“She’s a heartbreaker, like Kellie.”

“Another champion barrel racer?”

“Maybe.” He eyed Luckey. “But the important question is, how’s your personal life?”

He’d been concentrating so hard on thinking about Ally Duncan, the question took him by surprise.

Cy’s eyes narrowed. “What’s this? Silence from our dedicated bachelor?”

After a pause he said, “Do you remember the day you bumped into Kellie outside the radio station in Bandera?”

“What kind of a question is that? You know damn well it was the greatest day of my life.” His friend studied him. “Okay, buddy. You’re setting me up for something. Out with it.”

“I had a similar experience yesterday.”

“Yeah?” Cy broke into a smile that lit up his face. “I guess I don’t need to ask if she’s drop-dead gorgeous.”


He let out a yelp that filled the room and jumped out of his chair to slap Luckey on the shoulder. In the process he set down his mug so hard some of his coffee spilled. “I knew it had to happen sooner or later! Wait till the guys hear about this. What’s her name?”

“Dr. Duncan.”

“That has a nice ring. Where did this encounter happen?”

“At the university. She was coming out of her office and we...collided.”

Cy chuckled. “I can relate and haven’t been the same since. What were you doing there?”

“I needed to find an expert in Chinese to help me on my new case.”

His brows lifted. “She teaches Chinese?”

“Yup. She went to the morgue with me to identify the writing on some fabric.” He pulled an evidence bag from his pocket that held the samples of embroidered silk and lace. “You’re looking at some swatches that are going to crack it.”

“So the morgue was your first date?”

“Nope. We had breakfast at the Magnolia Café first.”

“You’re a dark horse, you know that?” His friend rolled his eyes. “So she’s a knockout and she speaks Chinese. There’s only one more important question to ask. Does she ride?”

Luckey burst into laughter. “She lives on her family’s ranch, so I’m assuming as much.”

“Three out of three. Now you’ve got my attention.” Cy walked back to his chair and sat down. “All right. I want you to start over and don’t leave anything out.”

“Just remember, I have no idea how she feels about me.”

No sooner had he spoken than his cell phone rang. Luckey pulled it out of his pocket and checked the caller ID. He couldn’t believe it. Needing privacy, Luckey got up from the chair and walked out into the hall. He clicked on. “Ally?”

“Hi. Forgive me for bothering you when I know how busy you are, but I need to discuss something really important with you. Can we meet again?”

His heart thundered in his chest. “Where are you?”

“I’m home, but I’d be glad to drive to your office if you’re there.”

“How soon can you get here?”

“I’ll leave the house now. What’s the address?”