“Come on. The sun is setting. Let’s eat while we can still see our food.” She’d made his favorite fried chicken and brownies, but there was no tempting him.

“I’m afraid I’m not hungry.”

“That’s okay. Shall we go to a roadhouse and do some line dancing? Your mom is keeping Amy overnight. We’re free to do whatever we want.”

“Natalie?” His eyes were like lasers. “I’m afraid you’ve married a failure.”

She smiled and crossed the distance to press a kiss to his mouth. “What’s that awful cliché? It’s always darkest before the dawn. Your day is coming.”

He suddenly clasped her to him and buried his face in her hair. “What am I doing? You’re so wonderful. How can you stand me while I’m feeling so sorry for myself? Forgive me, sweetheart.”

“There’s nothing to forgive.”

“I love you.” His fierce declaration was followed by a kiss to die for. They sank onto the double sleeping bag and clothes flew in all directions. Natalie lost awareness of time and place as Kit made sweet, savage love to her. Then it was her turn to worship him. The joy they brought each other went until late into the night.

She rested against his chest. “Are you hungry?”

“I think I am.”

“Stay there.” She reached for the cooler and pulled it close. “What would you l

ike? How about a drumstick?” His appetite had come alive. He quickly ate everything she put in front of him, including all the brownies. But she didn’t want any food.

“My, my. You really were hungry. I think you’re ready to handle my news.”

She could almost hear his brain turning her comment over. “You’ve decided to go back to work part-time?”

“No. I don’t think I’ll be going anywhere for a long time.”

“I hate to admit it, but that makes me happy. What caused you to make that decision?”

“The truth is, Kit, this night is special in more ways than one. We’re going to have a baby.”

He jackknifed into a sitting position. “Natalie—”

“I haven’t been to the doctor yet, but I know the signs. It’s just like it was with Amy. Please tell me you’re happy about it.”

“Happy? Sweetheart, I’m overjoyed!”

She lay still as he ran his hand over her stomach. “Our little baby is inside there. I’ve dreamed about having another cherub.”

“You’re not just saying that?”

“How can you even ask that question?”

“Because I know you’re upset that your career is still up in the air.”

He kissed her neck. “Hearing that we’re going to have a baby puts everything else into perspective. Another month and I’ll know if I have to think about other work. Until then I’m going to do what I can to get better. Amy’s going to have a little brother or sister. I can’t wait!”

“I can’t wait until the morning sickness passes. You’re so lucky you’re a man.”

Deep laughter rumbled out of him; the kind she hadn’t heard for a long time. She was thrilled.

* * *

“RANGER SAUNDERS? WELCOME back to active duty.” The boss had assembled some of the Rangers in the conference room at the last minute.

“You’ve only been gone four months, but you’ve been busy in that time—you’ve gotten married, built a new house. Is there any other news we need to know about?”