He flashed her a smile that turned her heart over. “That made my day. Thanks for flying to Arizona with me. I wanted your friend to feel comfortable.”

“I enjoyed seeing her again, even if it was only for an hour. Was she really able to help you, or were you just saying that to be polite?”

“Anything but. It was well worth the trip. Now I need to find a pattern using the evidence I’ve gathered, but that means I have to fly out again tomorrow morning. I’ll be going alone this time.”

“Are you able to tell me where?”

“California. I’m going to interrogate Jimmy Salter at the federal prison.”

“You mean Rod’s—childhood friend went to prison, too?”

“Afraid so. He killed two police officers.”

“I can’t believe it.” Natalie looked at Kit. “How long will you be gone?”

“I could be home by tomorrow night, but probably the next day. Since Salter is a lifer, you never know about getting him to talk. He might cooperate and tell me something important about Harold.

“Then again, he could refuse to speak. But when I tell him your husband was murdered, it may jar him into revealing a critical piece of information I could use. But don’t be concerned. You’ll be watched at all times while I’m away. They’ll follow you if you want to drive to the store or whatever.”

“I know that.” She averted her eyes. “I just don’t see how you can stand to face a cold-blooded killer.”

“It’s part of my job.”

“I know, but it’s so awful.”

“The satisfaction of capturing a dangerous criminal makes it all worth it.”

Natalie lifted her head. “You’re an amazing man.”

“Like I told you before, my childhood was filled with snakes and things that go bump in the night.” Kit’s half smile didn’t dispel her concern for him.

“Do you ever have nightmares?” she asked.

“I’ve had my share, but not because of my career. The one that returns on occasion has to do with letting my father down.”

Natalie swallowed hard. “Was he a demanding man?”

“Not at all. He was kind and straight as an arrow. I thought he was next to perfect.”

“Well if I had a chance to meet him, I’d tell him the size of your footsteps match his.” The second she’d spoken, heat swarmed her cheeks.

Kit’s gaze held hers. “When I have that nightmare again, I’ll remember your words.”

Natalie stood from her chair. “If you’ve got to make an early morning flight, I’ll say good-night.”

“Once I’ve installed a camera over the front door, I’ll call it a night, too.”

The man was doing everything possible to keep her safe. “Is there anything I can get you before I go to bed? There’s still some iced tea left over from dinner.”

“No, thanks. It was delicious, but if I want any more, I’ll get it.”

You heard him, Natalie.

She turned and retreated through the house to her bedroom. But after she got into bed, she couldn’t fall asleep. She shouldn’t be upset because he had to leave for a day or two to carry out his job. And it wasn’t because she was afraid for him. That wasn’t the problem.

Something else had happened to her; something she could never have imagined. Natalie’s attraction to Kit had grown roots. How was that possible in so short a time?

To get him off her mind, she reached for the remote and turned on the TV on the dresser.