“With a Texas Ranger guarding us, I’m not worried. Talk to you later.”

No sooner had she hung up than the phone rang again. She picked up and said hello.

“Hi, Natalie.” Kit’s deep voice resonated through her. “I’m almost to the house. I don’t want you to be alarmed when I let myself in.”

“Thank you.” He was so considerate, she was amazed. “Just so you know, Rod’s car is out in the driveway. The key is still in the ignition.”

“In that case I’ll park his car in front so I can drive into the garage.”

“I’d like to get rid of it, maybe through a donation if I can.” The words rushed out of her, revealing her state of mind.

“Forensics is done with it, so you’re free to do whatever you want.”

“I still haven’t found the title.”

“Don’t worry about it. You can donate without one.”

Relief swept through her. “That’s good. I have news for you. Colette called and said we can fly to Phoenix any time tomorrow. She’s offered to meet us at the airport.”

“That’s terrific news. I’ll see you in a minute.”

Natalie lifted Amy and put her in the high chair with one of her toys. Then she folded up the playpen and put it back in the nursery. Before long she heard the garage door lift. To know he would be there in a minute made her excited, and it had nothing to do with the fact that his job as a Ranger was to keep her safe while he solved this case.

In a very short time she’d gotten use to this temporary arrangement and had made dinner with him in mind. Remember it’s only temporary, Natalie. But try telling her heart that when he appeared in the kitchen wearing the clerical shirt. There was no way to shut out his arresting masculine appeal.

“Something smells good.”

“Are you hungry?”


“I’ve made tacos.”

“Give me a minute and I’ll join the two of you. Here’s the key to Rod’s car.”

When he disappeared, she got out a jar of junior sweet potatoes and lamb for Amy. Kit walked in a few minutes later wearing a claret-colored polo shirt and jeans. It was getting harder and harder to keep her eyes off him.

“Help yourself to anything you want, Kit.”

His smile made her pulse race. “Since you’re busy feeding the cherub, can I fix you a plate, too?”

“I’d love it.”

She’d fried half a dozen tortillas. One taco was enough for her. But when she saw that he’d eaten four filled shells along with a large helping of tossed salad, she wondered whether she’d made enough.

He finally sat back in the chair and centered his hazel gaze on her. “That was delicious.”

“I can make more.”

“If I take another bite, I won’t have room for the chocolate-marshmallow ice cream I bought.”

Natalie grinned. “So that’s your favorite dessert?”

“One of them. I’ll get it. Would you like some, too?”

“Sounds good.”

“Do you think Amy would like a taste?”