“Not a problem. See you later.”

But before he could put his key in the ignition, his cell rang. After a glance at the Caller ID he answered.

“Brandon? What are you doing calling me at this time of day? I thought you’d be out practicing with Scott!” He always liked talking with his brother.

“You’re not going to believe what happened. Scott was in an accident this morning and went to the hospital with a broken leg.”

“You can’t be serious.” Kit’s eyes closed tightly. His brother had just lost his hazer for at least three months. The timing couldn’t be worse considering his schedule on the rodeo circuit. “How did it happen?”

“A semi’s brakes failed and it T-boned Scott’s Silverado before it ended up in a field. It was a miracle no one was killed, but Janie’s a wreck.” Brandon sounded shaken.

“I’m sure she is.” He ran a hand through his hair.

“What hospital is he in?”


Kit would have to give Scott a call.

“I don’t know what to do, bro. We have a competition coming up this Saturday night in San Antonio. I’ve got to find another hazer, but that takes time.”

“Ask Whitey. He’s worked with you before.”

“I’m afraid he’s off his game these days.”

That meant Whitey was drinking again. “Try Pete.”

“He’s not up to speed anymore.”

“Then spread the word you need a hazer fast!”

“I’m sure I’ll find one, but not in time for Saturday night.”

Kit had too much on his mind to give his brother’s problem a lot of thought. “Can you afford to give this rodeo a miss while you search for someone else?”

“I guess I might have to.”

Kit heard the disappointment in his voice.


He could hear it coming. “Yes?”

“Are you working on a big case these days?”

“Yup. In fact I’m in the middle of it right now and I have to go. I’ll call you later when I get a chance.” He rang off and headed across town. It didn’t surprise him that his phone rang again as he pulled into the guest parking lot at the LifeSpan Pharmaceuticals.

He clicked on. “Hi, Mom. I heard the news.”

“It’s a darn shame, Kit.”

“I agree.”

“But Brandon was counting on winning in San Antonio. Is there any way you could haze for him on Saturday night? You know better than anyone how important it is, and there’s no one better on a horse than you.”

That’s right, Mom. Butter me up to make me feel guilty.

“I’m working undercover on a big murder case. It’s possible I might have to be in Arizona this weekend.” Natalie and Amy would be with him. He found he didn’t want anything to get in the way of his plans. “If I can see a way to do it, I’ll call him, but don’t count on it.”