Rick’s eyes met his. “When you have a chance to explain the situation to Sydney, she’ll understand.”

“I don’t know,” Jarod muttered. He should have phoned her on the drive over to Cannon, but had decided to wait because he knew she was in class. There was so much to tell her, he hadn’t wanted to leave it in a voice mail. “It’s too late to undo the damage right now. Come on,” he said to Rick.

They entered the hospital and found the room where Brent was keeping a vigil at his wife’s side. Though Brent’s eyes widened at the sight of Jarod in a suit and tie, he didn’t miss a heartbeat as he leaned toward his wife who lay there with her eyes closed.

“You have a visitor, honey. Someone you’ve been wanting to see.”

“Father Kendall?”

He approached her other side. “It’s Jarod Kendall now.”

Her eyes fluttered open. “That’s what I heard. Someone saw you at the Bismarck airport with your fiancée.”

“Yes. I’ve left the priesthood to marry a wonderful woman like you.” He grasped her hand and squeezed gently. “Brent needs you the way I need Sydney, so you have to get better.”

“I knew it,” she murmured forcefully.

“Was I that transparent?”

“Afraid so. You should have seen your eyes when I told you where you could find her.”

“Just don’t despise me too much, or blame the Church for what I’ve done.”

“Despise you?” she cried in surprise. “Don’t you know you’ll always be way up there in my estimation?”

“Thank you for that, Jeanine.”

“I meant it. You’re a remarkable human being. It’s been my privilege to know you. Thanks for coming when I know you have other plans.”

“Nothing’s more important than visiting a friend. I hear your prognosis is excellent. That’s a relief because I couldn’t have given you the last rites.”

Jeanine laughed gently. “Cannon won’t be the same without the gorgeous Father Kendall.”

“You must be feeling even better than I thought.”

“I’ll be up and around in no time. Don’t be a stranger.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll keep checking on you. Now you need to rest so I’m going to leave. God bless you.”

“You, too. The woman you plan to marry is luckier than she knows. Tell her I said so.”

There was so much he had to tell Sydney, he couldn’t get home to her fast enough.

Rick walked him to the car. “Kay and I are looking forward to the wedding. We’ll fly into Gardiner tomorrow afternoon. I’ll call you when we reach the motel.”

“That’ll be perfect. We’ll have dinner together.”

His friend studied him briefly. “How did it go with the bishop?”

“Actually our visit was what I needed to lay my last demons to rest.”

“Then I couldn’t be happier for you. Be safe.”

Sydney had told him the same thing.

On the way to Bismarck he called her, but naturally her voice mail was on because she was still in class. He left a brief message that he was on his way home to Gardiner and would call her later.

He supposed he could call the office and ask them if she could come to the phone. But unless it was next of kin calling, or an emergency, they’d probably tell him to leave a message. That wasn’t good enough.