At this point he was trembling as he buried his face in her hair. “You have to forgive me, Sydney. Can we start all over again?” he begged. “I need you. Without you the world’s a wilderness and I’ll be lost forever.”

She lifted lavender-blue eyes to him. They almost blinded him with love light. “I’m the one who should be saying these things to you. Forgive me for not looking into your soul deep enough to understand what you’ve been trying to tell me all along.

“I promise you I no longer feel guilty about my love for you. Our love happened to us pure and simply. I’ve accepted it because I know you’re right about life being a journey. We never know whom we’ll meet along the path.

“If you’ve chosen me to be your life’s companion after all has been said and done, then I have to believe we’re meant to be together.”

His eyes glowed like hot green fires. “Today I came back to Gardiner and found out from your principal that you’d gone home to see your parents, so I called them.”

“You talked to Mom and Dad?”

“Yes. I’m glad I did. They gave me their blessing to marry you. For a wedding present they’ve offered us the North Forty and the ranch house that sits on it. One day we can build our own house if that’s what you want.”

“Dad gave you the North Forty?” She was incredulous.

“Yes. The only thing they ask in return is that we get married at their house. They’re hoping it’ll be soon. How does that sound?”

“You know how that sounds.”

She flung her body against him, hugging him so hard he couldn’t breathe.

“I thought one day we’d start our garlic plant farm. Of course that’s after you’ve finished your year of teaching school. It’s something I always wanted to try, but there were too many other parish duties that took my time. I’ve done the research and know it will work.”

“Of course it will!” She cupped his handsome face in her hands. “Anything you do works. You’ve won my parents over. I didn’t think it was possible. I’m in awe of you, Jarod.”

“Don’t be in awe of me. Just keep on loving me.”

Sydney already knew how to do that. In fact she had some definite plans of her own to show him the full depth and breadth of her love.


LOCALS CLAIMED North Dakota was experiencing the worst February weather in twenty years. A new blizzard had swept in across the plains, burying everything in its path.

The fierce sound of the wind created moaning sounds around the corners and eaves of the church. But Sydney wasn’t concerned. This church where her parents had worshipped for the last thirty-five years had withstood similar whiteouts over time. It was still sturdy as a rock.

The rank and file members were no doubt curious about all the new faces assembled on this particular Sunday morning. A very pregnant Gilly and husband Alex had flown in from the Park along with Larry and his wife plus Chief Archer and Janice.

The six of them sat on the same pew with Rick and Kay.

On another pew Jarod’s oldest high school friend, Matt Graham from Long Island, was there with his wife and three children, the oldest being twelve.

Earlier Jarod had ushered Sydney to the middle pew where she sat next to her parents. Her aunt Lydia’s family flanked them.

Jarod handed her their precious six-weeks-old baby who was sound asleep before he walked to the back of the church to escort his family forward. His parents, his brother and sister and their families had all come.

Another story. Another miracle.

When Jarod finally sat down next to her he whispered, “Guess who else came, darling? They’re seated on the back pew.”

She craned her head to look around. “I don’t know who you mean.”

“Would you believe the bishop and Father Pyke?”

Her throat swelled with emotion. She pressed a soft kiss to his freshly shaved jaw. How many times had she done that since their marriage almost a year and a half ago?

How many times had they made love, rejoicing in the right to express their feelings in the most elemental of ways? Yet every time felt like the first time. Just looking at her gorgeous husband, let alone sitting next to him with their baby, made her breathless.

“They love you, Jarod. It’s the greatest tribute I know that they would come to another church to honor you like this.”