“Oh thank heaven—”

“Jeanine’s a wonderful friend, wife and mother. The bishop reminded me I had a whole parish of people like her who need me. Did the woman I love need me more?

“This morning I told him yes. You needed me more. You needed me so your life could be complete. I told him I needed you more, so mine would be complete. Neither of us would ever be fulfilled without the other.

“But it appears I was wrong about you. You don’t need me enough to overcome your guilt, or your fear of losing me. I’ve given you all the truth I have in me, but it’s not enough for you. I have a vision of spending my whole life trying to convince you.

“That’s no life, Sydney. I’ll phone the pastor and tell him I’ve called off our wedding. You can tell your friends what you want. I’ll tell mine.

“Certain members of the board at AmeriCore want to get rid of me. Now they’ll have their wish without putting me or Maureen through a needless, insufferable hearing.”

He turned on his heel and in a few swift strides disappeared from the apartment.

She ran after him, calling his name, but he kept going. As he drove out of sight, she felt her entire world collapse.



“Yes, Sydney. Come on in.”

She shut the principal’s office door and took a seat.

“How are liking your position by now?”

“The students are terrific, so are the teachers.”


“My life has fallen apart. My fiancé called off our wedding over a week ago. I thought I could handle it, but I can’t.”

“That’s what personal leave is for. Why are you still here?”

“Because it’s so soon after school has started to turn my classes over to a substitute.”

“Your attitude is very commendable, but under the circumstances, do you feel you’re giving the kids your very best right now?”

“No,” she whispered. “That’s why I came in.”

“Since it’s the weekend, it will give us time to find a substitute. Take all of next week off if you need it. Just give me a ring at some point and let me know how you’re progressing.”

“Thank you so much. I’ve left detailed lesson plans on my desk, and I’ve written other instructions on the board. The substitute shouldn’t have any trouble following everything.”

“If there is a problem, where can you be reached?”

“At my parents’ in North Dakota.” At least that was her plan for the moment. She couldn’t think beyond it.

Jarod hadn’t phoned or come near. He hadn’t returned any of her phone calls begging his forgiveness. No doubt he was in Europe by now.

“I’ll leave you their number and my cell phone number.” She wrote everything down on a pad and handed him the slip. “Thank you for being so understanding.”

He walked her to the door. “Let’s hope your trip home brings you the solace you need.”

It won’t.

But Sydney couldn’t stand her own company any longer, and Gilly didn’t need a complication like Sydney when she and Alex were so happy.

After leaving school, she went home to pack and headed for the airport. She’d alerted her parents she was coming.