A shiver chased across her skin. “Something’s horribly wrong when our own families can’t break down long enough to celebrate with us.”

“I know two people who will,” he assured her. “Rick said he’d be my best man. We talked on the phone earlier. He and Kay were going to join us for dinner tomorrow night, but some unexpected church business came up so you’ll have to meet them later.”

“I’d like that. My friend Gilly will be back from her honeymoon next week. She was the one person I could confide in about you. When she finds out we’re together, she’ll be overjoyed. I know she and Alex will want to be witnesses.”

“That’s good. I’m looking forward to meeting her.”

“Alex is wonderful, too. He’s the head of the Volcano Observatory at Yellowstone Park. I’ve a feeling you and he will really hit it off.”

“What’s he like?”

“He lights his own fires, just like you.”

“Is that so.” He reached for her hand and kissed her palm, sending darts of awareness through her body.

“Yes, it is,” she came back slightly out of breath from his touch. “Jarod? Since you haven’t started that counseling job yet, do you want me to break my teaching contract so we can go to Europe? Please tell me the truth.”

“I only mentioned it in case you couldn’t bring yourself to marry me.” He gripped her hand tighter. “But now that I know we’re going to have a life together, Gardiner sounds like an ideal place for us to start out. I love the area, but that’s because you’re in it.”

Thrilled by his words, she kissed his fingertips. “I can’t wait till we get back. You can move into my apartment.”

“You mean after we’re married.”

“No. I mean tomorrow.” Her voice throbbed. “I couldn’t stay away from you now.”

He pulled into a parking space at their hotel and shut off the motor, then turned to look at her through veiled eyes.

“You’ve never been intimate with a man, have you?”

Her cheeks filled with warmth. “No.”

He drew in a deep breath. “I didn’t think so.”

“Not so much because of any rules, but because you’re the only man I’ve ever truly desired heart and soul.”

“That’s the way it should be.” His jaw hardened. “I’m sorry to say that in the past, I broke some rules to be with women I had no intention of marrying. But when I became a priest, I began a new life.

“And now I’m a different man it wouldn’t be possible for me to move in with you and not make love to you. Since you’ve waited this long, then I want to honor you, so I’m going to stay at the

Firehole Lodge until we’re married.”

“No, Jarod. I don’t want to live alone any longer.”

“Neither do I.” His voice grated. “Since you left Cannon, I’ve had dreams about you, about holding you in my arms on cold winter nights and warm summer mornings. But I can wait a few more weeks for my prize.”

Struggling against his reasoning she cried, “I don’t think I can—”

“Don’t forget the word will spread you’re marrying an ex-priest. I’m already damned in some people’s eyes. Living with you before I’m your husband will add fuel to that particular fire. You know I’m right.”

Yes. She knew.

“That’s why we’re going to sleep in separate rooms tonight and every night until you become Mrs. Jarod Kendall. Which reminds me we need to see about a ring for you before we leave Bismarck in the morning.”

She shook her head. “I don’t need one. It isn’t important.”

“But I need to give you one. It’s something I’ve been looking forward to doing. You have to understand this whole experience is one I willingly gave up before I met you. Now everything is changed.”

Another tremor shook her body. He sounded happy now. But what if married life didn’t live up to his expectations? What if her parents were right?