Finally her mother glanced up at her. “But he didn’t ask you not to come, did he?”

After a slight hesitation, “No.”

“Then you were both at fault. If you want my blessing, I can’t in good faith give it to you. Different backgrounds and pasts bring on their own problems, and marriage is hard enough.

“By marrying this man, you’re taking on more than a husband. He might have physically left the priesthood, but the church inside him hasn’t left. I don’t care what he believes or what you want to believe, it will always have a stranglehold on him. Probably not so noticeably at first.

“Wait until the children come.”

“No, Mom, we haven’t discussed any of that yet


“Of course not. You’re too much in love to see the dangers ahead. I have eyes in my head. I can see why your physical attraction to him is so strong. Besides his exceptional looks, he’s intelligent, well educated. But in a spiritual sense he’s been married to the priesthood for a long time. Part of him will never be able to give it up.

“When you discover you need him most, he may not be there for you the way you want. I’m not trying to say hurtful things to you, Sydney. I love you, honey, but what you’re planning to do could come back to bite you. Since I’m your mother, I feel I have to warn you of these things before it’s too late.”

“It’s already too late,” Sydney whispered. “For two years I’ve been searching my heart for answers. It came when he showed up at my door the other night. I’ve worried about all of those things, but I love Jarod. We want to be married right away.”

“Where will the ceremony take place?”

“I don’t know yet. Jarod wanted to meet you before we talked about anything else. He’s such a wonderful man, Mom.”

“I’m sure he is. Otherwise you wouldn’t be head over heels in love with him. But he doesn’t have a spiritual home right now. Neither do you. Think upon that, Sydney.”

“That’s all I’ve done.”

Her mother picked up the sandwich platter and headed out the door. Sydney grabbed the paper plates and napkins plus the bowl of chips before following her.

The second she entered the living room, she noticed Jarod sitting on a chair next to her father. They were in deep discussion. Judging by her father’s demeanor, he wasn’t any happier about the situation than her mother.

After going back for sodas, she served everyone one, then sat down on the couch. Her father looked at her in pain before shaking his head.

“You’re a twenty-eight-year-old woman, capable of running your own life and managing your affairs. If you and Jarod are intent on marrying, then there’s nothing Margaret and I can say.

“I’ve told Jarod my concerns, so we have an understanding. When you were a baby, I have to admit this state of affairs wasn’t what I had in mind for you.”

Tears trembled on the edges of her eyelashes. She jumped up abruptly. “I knew it was going to be like this, but can’t you and Mom be just a little bit happy for us? Can’t you give us one encouraging smile for good luck? No matter how strong and noble Jarod is, this couldn’t be easy for him!”

“We know that, honey, and we respect him for the respect he has shown us. But when two people talk of marriage in your circumstances, it’s precarious at best.

“If you haven’t considered that people who knew Jarod before might ostracize him for what he’s done, then I have.”

Her mother nodded. “Your dad’s right, Sydney. When he’s the object of ridicule, you’ll feel the effect, too. If there’s a chance of making this work, then you’d be wise to move where no one knows either of you. That way you can begin your life together with the least amount of turmoil.”

Sydney struggled to stay composed. “Jarod mentioned Europe. Would that be far enough away for you?” she cried before turning to Jarod. “Let’s go, Jarod.”

He remained in place. “Not yet. There are a few more things I’d like to say to your parents.”

She couldn’t imagine what was in his mind, but some inexplicable force was driving him. She had the feeling she couldn’t have dissuaded him for any reason.

While her parents eyed him with wooden expressions, Sydney sat down beside him once more. She had no idea what he was about to say. She couldn’t imagine there being anything else to say.

It pained her that her parents remained so quiet and aloof. Though she’d warned him, she was still wounded by their behavior, and she hurt for him. He was the man she was going to marry!

Jarod sat forward to address them. “When I asked Sydney to be my wife, I didn’t know what her answer would be. I told her that if she said no, I planned to live and work abroad. But that wouldn’t have been my first choice.

“In the last ten years I’ve learned to love North Dakota. It’s been my home for so long, I’m loathe to leave it. During the talks in my office when Sydney accompanied Brenda, I learned how much she loves it here, too. I envied her such a happy childhood riding horses and helping you on the ranch. It sounded like the perfect life.”