He’d said he was staying at the Firehole Lodge. But when she reached it, she couldn’t see his rental car in any of the parking areas.

Where had he gone?

Maybe he’d checked out before he’d come over to the school earlier. If that was true…

She jumped out of her car and dashed inside the lobby. The clerk at the front desk observed her approach with a look of male admiration.

“May I help you?”

“Yes.” She swallowed hard. “I’m here to see Mr. Jarod Kendall. Do you know if he’s still registered?”

“I’ll check.”

“Please hurry.”

“Sounds like it’s a matter of life and death,” he teased.

“It is,” she answered soberly.

If I can’t find him, then I might as well be dead.

“I have good news. He hasn’t checked out yet.”

“Thank heaven. I didn’t see his car, but would you mind r

inging his room anyway?”

He nodded before doing her bidding. After a minute he hung up. “Sorry. He’s not answering.”

“Could you tell me what room he’s in?”

He grinned. “I shouldn’t, but I will. Number 25. The entrance for that part of the building is in back.”

“Thank you.”

“No problem.”

She hurried outside and drove her car around where she could see his when he returned. But it was after midnight and all the parking spaces were taken. Since it was the beginning of the long Labor Day weekend, she wasn’t surprised to see so many last-minute vacationers.

Where was Jarod?

Finally she found one empty spot at the far end and pulled into it. While she waited for him, she turned on the heater. No telling where he’d gone. If he’d taken a drive, he might not return for hours.

Just when she thought he wasn’t going to come, she saw headlights and watched him pull into his designated spot near the entrance. Like quicksilver, he got out of his car and went inside the building, too fast for her to catch up to him.

She raced from her car to follow him. Just before he disappeared inside his room, she called his name. But by this time she was so out of breath, she wasn’t certain he even heard her.

“Jarod?” she cried again outside his door.

Suddenly it opened.

In the orange light of the hallway, she saw his broad chest rise and fall as if he were sustaining a great shock.

Wordlessly, he reached for her.


SUDDENLY Sydney found herself backed up against the inside wall, pinned there by Jarod’s hard-muscled body. His hands were braced on either side of her head as he leaned into her. Only a few centimeters separated their mouths.