uilt runs as deep as hers. To be honest, I’m not at all certain she’ll be able to let it go.”

“A conscience like that is revealing of her true nature. No wonder you love her.”

“She’s exceptional.”

“So are you. Somehow I have to believe you’ll get together.”

“After seeing her again, I can’t fathom going through life without her.”

“The power of love can work miracles.”

“I’m going to hang on to those words, Rick. Thanks for calling.”

“Don’t forget I’m always here if you need to talk.”

“That goes both ways. Good night.”

Jarod hung up the phone, immobilized by the real possibility that the power of love wasn’t going to be enough.

Aware Jarod would be waiting for her when back-to-school night was over, Sydney’s nerves were so fragile, she jumped when the bell for seventh period rang.

The last group of parents and students filed in her classroom. She greeted each one and handed them a disclosure. She was about to shut the door to give her presentation when one more person approached.

“Jarod—” Sydney cried in startled surprise when she saw who it was.

“At least you didn’t call me Father Kendall. That’s progress,” he said in a low aside. His bold gaze made a swift appraisal of her face and figure clothed in a navy skirt and blazer.

Heat swept into her face.

All day she’d been anxious and keyed up knowing they’d be together before the night was over. But it completely threw her that he would come into the school.

Dressed in another suit, this time of charcoal-gray with a white shirt and pearl-gray tie, he was so good-looking, he eclipsed all the men in the room. Everyone stared at him, particularly the mothers and female students who were mesmerized by the gorgeous male stranger in their midst.

They’d all be shocked to learn that until very recently, he’d worn a collar and black robes.

“May I?” he murmured, taking the last paper from her hands. Before she knew it, he’d found a place to sit at the back of the room next to Steve Carr and his parents. Steve had been one of her junior rangers.

“Hey there, Syd—” The cute high school senior gave her a big grin.

She nodded to him, wishing he hadn’t acknowledged her like that in front of Jarod who noticed everything and might start up a conversation with him.

Sydney didn’t want anyone to know about the priest from her past, especially not Steve whose dad was a ranger. Talk spread like wildfire among the other rangers. The less anyone knew about her personal life, the better. Then she wouldn’t have to face the questions when it was all over.

By some miracle she made her way to the front of the class without stumbling. After giving her little speech about the year’s curriculum, followed by her expectations of participation and behavior, the principal’s voice came over the loudspeaker.

“We want to thank all the parents for coming. We’ll look forward to seeing your children bright and early Monday morning to begin another exciting school year. Until then, enjoy your long Labor Day weekend.”

Most of the students in the room made a face before clustering around Sydney’s desk. Since they knew her from their many visits to the Park throughout the year, they were excited to discover she’d left her job as a ranger to teach them English.

Though she was flattered by their interest, and tried to pay attention, her gaze kept straying to Jarod who was in conversation with Steve and his parents. At this point they would know he wasn’t a parent. That in itself would raise speculation about his presence.

Seeing him in the back of the room made her realize that he really wasn’t a priest anymore. Until this moment, nothing about his arrival in Gardiner had seemed real.

Her heart pounded unmercifully to realize that since he’d made the decision to leave the priesthood, he was free to go where he wanted, do what he wanted. He’d given her until tomorrow morning to make a decision about marrying him. If the answer was no, she would never see him again.

But how could she say yes when she had so many fears? Yet how could she possibly let him go when she was so painfully in love with him?

Little by little the room emptied until they were alone. He strolled toward her, bigger than life.