"Thane! There are traces of steel and diamond in the clay!" Justice exclaimed, pulling his hands from the side of the box. "Kincaid, how'd you do this?"

"I have no idea! It just happened," Kincaid exploded.

Ari walked over and stood by his unit brother. "This is really good work, Kaid. Damn good work."

Thane nodded. "I agree. Now, let's open it and 'greet' our new friends."

Kincaid paled. "I don't know how. I was kinda hoping you would."

Thane and Justice both blinked. "What?" they asked, in unison.

Kincaid pointed to the cube. "I knew I had to stop them, so it just kinda happened."

Thane closed his eyes. "You didn't use any form of a spell, did you?"

"Umm. Nope."


tice, you do it," Thane exhaled and walked away.

"I screwed up again," Kincaid said morosely.

"You're the only one that was able to secure prisoners, Kincaid. I'm calling that a huge win," Brie pointed out.


"Yeah. Who knows, maybe staying in a completely dark box for a few days with no food will loosen their tongues," she added winking at him.

"Yeah. Let's go with that," he agreed.

Justice pulled out his cell. "Hey, Kendrick, my brother can't figure something out and is begging for your help."

"Lies!" Thane shouted from across the room.

"On my way," Kendrick replied.

Ari pulled Brie so that her back was against his chest. He knew he had done the right thing when she leaned against him.

After a few minutes, Kendrick, looking tired, walked in from the front office.

"The other site?" Ari asked.

Kendrick shook his head. "No, and there were more bodies this time. Close to three hundred." He shook his head. "Livor mortis had set in, but there was no sign of bloating. We missed saving them by less than twenty-four hours."

"Gods," the men whispered around them.

Kendrick pulled Brie from his arms to give her a hug. "Thank the gods for you. The people you saved tonight will go a long, long way in keeping the city from falling into complete despair. You have proved that we can out think them and fight back. You have no idea how vital this was." He released her then gently nudged her back into Ari's arms.

"The queen?" she asked.

Kendrick grimaced. "She's focusing on the living." He smiled softly. "There were children and a newborn amongst the survivors."

Brie gasped. "I didn't see them."

Kendrick pulled off her black skull cap so he could ruffle her dark brown curls. "I imagine you were busy." He cracked his knuckles. "Now, what simple, easy to figure out thing did Thane beg me to come here for?"

"Asshole," Thane growled and pointed to Kincaid's cube. "Have at it."