Her watch pinged, and she tapped her comms piece. "Gemini, men are briefed, and we're ready to go in."

"We hear you loud and clear. Move out whenever you're ready. Over."


Darian stepped forward and opened a portal. Unlike most that Ari had seen, this one did not glow in a golden light. In fact, he could barely see the shimmer of the air in the center of the portal at all. He looked over at them.

He looked around. "Seriously, guys? Did you think I was going to open a glowing beacon right outside their door?"

"New?" Thane asked.

Darian grinned at him. "The useless mage helped me craft it."

"We're running silent. Keep comms open unless you are calling out for positioning or back up."

The men nodded.

"Gods above, guide and protect us. Please let there be someone to save," Kincaid whispered.

As usual, his witch brother knew just the thing to say. Around them, the men whispered, "So mote it be." And they crossed through the portal.

Once on the other side, Brie tapped her ear. "Gemini, night, night."

"Cameras and security offline," one the twins responded.

Gamma and Phi peeled off to go around to the back. Brie started a countdown on her watch. They got in position around the front entrance and waited. Ari looked over at his brother and met his eyes. Declan looked over at Brie, then nodded. The men might have their assigned priorities, but he had only one. Keeping his mate safe.

Brie held up a hand and began the five second count down. When she got to one, Thane released a spell and burst the front doors open. Immediately, everyone was moving.

Adriel and Gage took up positions on either side of the door, and they made their way inside. A moment later, there was a second boom, and Thane practically dissolved the interior door. The men fanned out, taking in the situation. Off to one side, a large group of fae were huddled in a corner. They were alive!

"Thane, Justice!" Brie called out, pointing.

The witches moved quicker than he could follow, and a moment later, a shimmering silver barrier stood between the ongoing battle and the scared hostages.

"They've gone invisible!" Sascha called out over the comms.

"Got two!"

Ari turned to see who had shouted out. To his surprise, Kincaid stood, breathing hard, next to a large clay box.

In front of them gunfire rang out as first Kael, then Quinn went down.

"Man down!" Ari called out over the comms.

"Palace is prepared to receive injured," one of the twins relayed.

"Face me, you cowards!" Sascha snarled, standing over the bodies of his unit brothers, defending them with his life.

Ari and Declan moved with Brie, acting as shields.

"Rathais, you in position?" his mate called out.

"Ready to go," he replied.

Brie tapped her ear piece. "Everybody down!" she ordered.

Every single unit warrior dropped to the floor. He and his brother stayed standing by Brie.