She just chuckled and kept walking.

Chapter Thirteen

"Are you mad?" she asked as they began laying out their gear.

Ari looked over at her, surprised. "What, because my blow jobs got postponed? No. I know your head needs to be in the game for this to work."

She walked over and hugged him from behind. "How are you so perfect?"

Ari rubbed her hands where they rested at his waist. "I'm not, but I think I am perfect for you."

In truth, Ari wanted to scream. He didn't want her within one-thousand miles of this entire mess, but she had been chosen and recognized by his commander. There was no way he'd take that from her. He'd just have to ignore her orders and guard every step she took. He sighed.

"Thank you," she whispered. "I know this has to be hard for you."

Ari turned in her arms and pulled her close. "It is. It's very hard. I want to wrap you in cotton and keep you safe, but that's not who you are here." He tapped her chest.

"I'm assigning you my six."

He grunted.

"You were totally going to do that anyway, weren't you?" she asked, amusement dancing in her eyes.

"Absolutely." He saw no reason to lie.

"I knew it." She laughed. "I suppose having you act as my back up is a small price to pay." She tilted her head back, and he practically sagged in relief. Any action where he touched her felt like heaven. He kept things light and simply nibbled and tugged on her lower lip. When her phone rang, they stepped apart.

She answered it. "Wilson, here."

"Hey, Brie, I asked our boys for what you wanted, and they were more than happy to donate. I'm at the portal now; where should I drop your stuff?" Ari wondered what Brie had asked Cam for.

"I'm at the warrior villa, we're mobilizing for tonight."

"That soon? Need help?"

"Think you can keep up, old man?" she teased.

"Old man? Wait until I see you, young lady," he groused before he hung up.

"What'd ya ask for?"

"Some SWAT tactical gear. I helped nearly every team member study for their advancement tests, they so owed me."

"We have gear," Ari protested. It was unit gear; it was the best. Right?

"And it's solid equipment, but what I asked for is part of the reason why Aiden chose me for this mission. It's all new tech gear that you and your fellow unit brothers may not have been exposed to yet."

"I guess, if it's so important."

"Are you pouting right now?"

"No. Maybe."

"God, I love you," she said, then froze. His heart practically stopped. They turned to face one another. She covered her mouth with her hand. "God, I do. I love you. This is bad."

"Wait. What? This is in no way bad!" he protested, pulling her close. His mate loved him! He wanted to shout it from the palace walls.

"Yes, it is, because I can't lose you and live," she struggled in his arms.