"Go on," Meryn said, looking intrigued.

"What if you run the same search parameters, but farther out, say, around Noctem Falls. If this is a cat and mouse game, I'd rather catch the cat unawares. It'd be nice to save people for a change instead of recovering bodies.” She frowned.

"The only downside is if we disrupt their plans, it may change whatever game they're playing, and they may become more aggressive. It could lead to others getting killed faster."

Meryn was already reaching for her laptop, which had the twins reaching for theirs. "I think the risk is warranted. If we catch the bad guys actually in the warehouse, that would give my mate someone to torture for more info, which could actually lead to saving everyone. Give us a few minutes, I'll see what we can come up with."

Aiden just stared at her. "We have been so blessed in our mates."

The men all raised their tankards and drank deeply.

Smiling, Ari handed her his pint. He nipped her neck as she drank. "You're so damn sexy when you talk cop."

"You want to get arrested later?" she whispered.

"I'll even let you strip search me," he teased.

Aiden looked over the papers they had brought. "I'd still like to hit one of these targets," he said, placing a map on the table. He pointed to a circle around a town in southern Virginia. "This is a little too close to home for us.

"The plan is relatively simple. We'll be dividing into two groups." He held up his hand, which now sported a silver ring. "This is on loan from the queen. It works similarly to the one Darian has and will allow me to open a portal anywhere as long as I work in tandem with a fae. I will be leading the group heading to the Virginia site," he looked around the room. "Brie, I'd like you to head up the group going to the secondary site."

Brie felt her mouth drop. The men around her literally had thousands of years more experience. "Sir, I'd be honored, but, are you sure?"

"I had Meryn hack your file and looked at your test scores. You're the best suited to lead a more modern SWAT style mission. As we speak, updated gear is being secured by Marius, Sebastian, and Cord. It will be gear you'll be familiar with."

Ari's arm came to rest across the back of her chair. "I can't think of anyone who would be better," he admitted.

She looked at Aiden. "Who's opening our portal?"

"Darian, so Oron will also be going with you. Do you have a preference for your team," he asked. There was a curious expression on his face. His question wasn't a test, more like a gauge.

"I'd like Tau, of course, Gamma, Phi along with whatever Superwitch would like to tag along."

Aiden pointed to Bastien. "Why Phi and Gamma?"

"I feel like I know Bastien and his unit well from the limited time I've spent here. Gamma because if Darian and Oron are assigned to the secondary site, it makes sense for Oron to have his unit with him."

"Any preference on the Superwitch," Aiden asked, his mouth twitching.



"It increases the likelihood that one of his brothers will tag along, securing me two Superwitches," she explained.

"Damn good job," Aiden said.

Ari pointed to his chest. "You didn't ask why she wanted Tau along."

Brie just stared. "You didn't assume I wanted you there because you're my mate?"

Ari snorted. "If anything that'd be a deterrent to you. You know damn well our attention may become divided."

"I love how you get me."

Aiden pointed to Ari. "Wait, he's right?"

"Would Meryn choose you because you were her mate?" she asked.