She laced her fingers together then cracked her knuckles. "Sounds like fun.

"No, it sounds like a quick way into a body cast," Ari refuted.

"If they're that good, Ari, they'll be able to adjust their strength used." She felt a tremor of excitement. She rarely got to face off against other females.

"Gods, look at her face," Lorcan said, pointing.

Ari just pounded his forehead on the table, before simply letting it rest there. "Healers. I want every witch healer we have on standby," he said in muffled tones.

She stood pushing her chair back. "Ari, let's head to the warrior villa, I owe you at least two blow jobs for backing me up and believing in me."

Ari sat up straight in his chair, looked up at her, drained his tankard, then stood. "Good day, gentlemen."

"I hate you!" Sascha called out to their backs as they left the pub.

"Don't care!" Ari yelled back.

Brie had to practically run to keep up with Ari's long strides. She couldn't help the bubbling laughter from erupting at his enthusiasm. They had almost made it to the villa when Aiden along with Kendrick, Micah, and the Ashleigh brothers caught up with them. Behind the men, Meryn and the boys followed at a leisurely pace, her squire and Pierce accompanying them.

"Good. Glad we ran into you," Aiden said. He raised his arm and pointed toward Dav's and the direction they had just come from. "We need you in a meeting to discuss our next mission."

"Nooo," Ari whimpered.

Brie could barely keep a straight face.

Ari's expression was tragic. "Can't we catch up to you?"

Aiden gave him a shit-eating grin. "We must all make sacrifices as unit warriors." He clapped her mate on the back, then wrapped an arm around his shoulders to steer him away from the villa.

Brie followed. Every once in a while, she made mouth noises that would make Ari turn and glare at her.

Meryn fell in step beside her. "You're kinda evil. I like that."

Brie without even thinking held up her fist, which Meryn promptly bumped. "Where's your cousin?"

"She went with Anne and Kincaid to the facility to get samples. Darian is also acting as escort so he can pop the vials or baggies or whatever over to ViThreePO in Noctem Falls."

"You're just a goofy little geek, aren't you?" Brie asked, amazed that this small woman made so many of the men she knew at Quantico curse and cross themselves.

Meryn held up her fingers in a 'V'. "My kung fu is strong."

"So is

mine," Brie said, then paused in their walking. She leaned back and held a kick way over Meryn's head before relaxing back to resume standing on both feet.

"That was so freaking awesome," Meryn whispered. She went to lean back but Ryuu placed a hand on her shoulder. "I would not try, denka, you are at a disadvantage due to the baby throwing off your balance."

Meryn sighed. "No ninja kick for me."

"It's okay, Meryn, you're kick ass in other ways," Neil said, pointing to her bag.

"So very true, short stuff. You've made grown men weep with that thing."

Meryn brightened. "Really?"

"Yes, you sadistic little shit."

Meryn just laughed outright. "That totally makes Aiden my mannequin."