As she tried to make a dent in her delicious breakfast, she wondered if it would be a serious faux pas to bring her laundry with her when she visited.
Once she was done, Leo whisked her uneaten portion away and returned with what looked like a medium size cooler. "Here's Ari's snack."
"Snack?" How much did her mate eat? "Leo, you have me really worried about how I'm going to feed him when we're not visiting. Neither of us can cook."
Catherine stood by her mate at the door. "Never you worry; the boys at the warrior villa have been cooking for Ari for over a century now. They're used to his bottomless stomach."
"Good, because I really don't want us to starve."
Leo handed over the cooler, his expression thoughtful. "I'm sure I could manage mid-week snacks for the both of you."
She accepted the cooler and pulled him down so she could kiss his cheek. "I'd marry you in a heartbeat," she teased.
"Go on with you now," he said, sounding flustered.
Jedrek laughed and pulled her aside to kiss her own cheek. "I mean it, young lady. If you need anything, go to Rex."
She made a face at him causing him to laugh. "Yes, Dad."
He blinked. "Dad?"
She froze. Was she not supposed to call him that?
"Jedrek, stop that! You're scaring her to death." Catherine turned to her. "It's perfectly fine to call us mom and dad. You surprised my dear mate because the boys have only ever called us 'mother' and 'father'," she explained.
"Good, because using 'mother' and 'father' sounds way too stiff for me."
"Dad is perfect," Jedrek grinned. "I can't wait to call Byron and tell him that Brie calls me dad."
"Why is that a thing?" Brie asked Catherine who was rolling her eyes.
"Because Byron McKenzie was a bit insufferable after Aiden found Meryn. He bragged to the other council members that she called him 'dad'."
Brie laughed. She imagined that the men of Jedrek's generation were probably just as big of goofballs as the warriors that walked around on their knees to simulate Meryn's height. She doubted they ever truly grew up. If her dad was any indicator, the same could be said for human men too.
"Try not to do too much, dear," Catherine called out as she walked away
"I will," she yelled back, laughing. She wasn't about to lie. She knew the next couple days were going to be flat out hard.
She lugged the cooler down Maple street until she saw the familiar building where she had arrived in the city. Warriors were standing outside, forming a barrier between the gate and the concerned citizen milling about out front. When they saw her approaching, two warriors stepped forward to flank her and escort her inside. The one on her left
relieved her of her cooler, and she flexed her hand. The damn thing was heavy.
"What's going on, fellas?"
"Tyrien was out here this morning, stirring up the crowd. One of his cohorts threw a brick and hit Bastien in the head. Ari had to hold Gage back since he and Bastien are close as their families are tied together. Molvan and Malcom from the palace escorted Tyrien and his brick slinging friend to the palace to face Brennus," the warrior with her cooler explained.
She looked at his chest and smiled. The men were still wearing name tags—it was Corrin Li'Loudain from Psi who had spoken.
Balder chuckled evilly. "Ari released the fae unit warriors, in addition to those assisting here at the facility, from patrols. We're to act as guards to dissuade others from getting violent."
She looked over to him. "Does that leave enough for patrols?"
Balder gave a short nod. "Aiden called in the rest of the Gamma unit to assist in patrols," he smiled wide. "Aiden said something about separating Sascha and Colton to keep them both breathing."
"Meryn filled me in on their shenanigans. They sound fun."