He paused at the top of the stairs. "Did I go too far?"

She shook her head. "No, it's just…" She pointed to the way he was carrying her. "No other guy I've dated has ever treated me like you do. You respect my job and trust in my abilities, yet, still know when to treat me like a woman."

Ari walked over to his door and somehow managed to swing it open. "I think I understand what you're saying, Brie, but I feel like I have to correct something." He kicked the door shut and set her down on the bed. She looked so vulnerable looking up at him. "I think in your world women are treated like men when they do a 'man's' job, which somehow translates into treating them like men as the standard. You're not a man, Brie; you're a beautiful woman. A strong woman. Why would I treat you like a man?" He couldn't fathom treating her any differently.

He wanted to gut himself when he saw tears begin to spill down her cheeks. "I am a woman," she repeated softly.

He blinked, unsure of what to do. "Yes, you are." She was repeating the obvious.

She wiped away her tears and smiled up at him. "If the men in my life didn't know how to accept that, then that's on them."

"Damn right," he agreed.

She took his hand. "I'm a woman," she said again. He gave her hand a squeeze. "An amazing one."

"I'm your woman," she repeated softly.

"Godsdamn right you are!" He pulled her to her feet and went to the hem of her robe. In one fluid motion he pulled it off over her head. "What does my woman want?" he asked as she stood in her silken underthings before him.

"I trust you, Ari." She exhaled and removed the rest of her clothes. "I trust you with my body." She hesitated before voicing her desires. "I don't want to be in charge anymore. I don't want you to assume that because I'm capable that I don't need your strength." She twisted her hands before her.

Ari knew exactly what she needed, and he was the perfect one to give it to her. She was his mate, and he would fulfill her in ways she only dreamed of.

"Get on the bed, kitten. Hand and knees," he ordered.

She looked so relieved he thought she'd faint. She quickly climbed onto the bed and crawled to the center on all fours. "Like this?" she asked.

He stared at the exquisite picture she had created. Her heart shaped ass curved perfectly, and at the center, a small, dark slit beckoned to him.

He removed his shirt, then his shoes. "Stay just like that, kitten. Do you like being on display for me?"

"Ari," she whimpered.

"Do you?"


"Good girl."

He stilled so that the sound of his belt clearing the loops echoed through the room. He was shocked to see the effect on his sweet mate. Clear liquid began to seep down one thigh.

He quickly removed the rest of his clothes but kept his belt in hand. When he climbed on the bed, her heart rate increased.

Slowly, he knelt behind her. He placed a hand at the small of her back before tracing a finger across her beautifully rounded ass to tease her opening.

"Ari!"she yelled.

"Shush, baby, we've barely started."

She lowered her chest to the mattress, further presenting herself to him. "Good girl."

Using the belt in his right hand, he swung, placing the leather across her cheeks and grazing her slit. He paused, gauging her reaction.

"Oh god!"

He swung twice more, leaving a pretty pink stripe across her bottom. "Good girls get treats."

He scooted back and leaned down. Using his thumbs, he opened her like a flower, parting her petals. Without warning, he shoved his tongue as deep as he could inside of her. He alternated between tongue fucking her and thrusting two fingers deep inside.