Brie chuckled. "Nature doesn't give us a choice."

Jedrek huffed. "That isn't acceptable."

Brie looked between Jedrek and Rex. "I see where he gets it from."

Ari nodded. "Only Rex seemed to inherit father's indomitable will. Declan and I are too laid back to truly pull it off."

"Where did you get your super lion from?" she asked.

Ari winced. He had been hoping that wouldn't come up.

Both his mother and father leaned forward. "What's this?" his father asked.

Rex sat back with his wine glass, smiling. "Ari shifted to third form when Tyrien insulted House Lionhart."

His mother gasped and covered her mouth with both her hands—his father simply stared. He shook his head in wonder. "Ever since you were a cub, you'd attack anyone that insulted your family, but you've never shifted to third form before."

Leo buzzed around the table, happily refilling wine glasses. "The Lionhart line is truly blessed! Once this gets around, no one will be able to question his strength or capabilities again."

"Family? It wasn't insulting the Lionharts that had him angry." Brie clarified. "He lost his shit when Tyrien insulted his brothers. It was sexy as hell too."

Catherine turned to him. "What changed?"

Ari glanced down at Brie and his mother nod

ded. "Of course. Any insult to your family would be perceived as a threat to your home and mate. As you were always sensitive to such things, having a mate at your side would escalate the scenario.” She dabbed at her eyes. "What a marvelous discovery."

Brie turned to him. "Why wouldn't anyone question you now? How come Tyrien still brought up your age at Tribunal?"

Ari gave a half shrug. "He's fae, not a shifter, so he may not be aware of the implications surrounding such a thing." He chuckled. "I imagine he ignored the entire scene where I shifted, since it resulted in him running for his life. As for Tribunal…" He looked from his father to his brother for assistance.

Rex cleared his throat. "In our world, amongst shifters especially, shifting to third form is seen as a blessed event. For the shifter to have the strength and will to house both his human and animal emotions with equal intensity to the point both are able to merge as one, well, it's said to be a blessing from the gods and a sign that their house is meant for great things. Ari shifting to third form will more than likely secure him an Elder seat later in life, if he so chooses." He grinned at him. "Possibly at a younger age than me."

Ari groaned. "No, thank you. Two Elders in the family are plenty." He lifted his fork. "Now, if that 'blessing' could secure me my current unit leader position for centuries to come, that'd be a different story."

"Oh, so that third form isn't all the time?" Brie asked, sounding disappointed.

Ari swung to her. "Didn't I terrify you?"

A shudder swept through her body as she stared up at him. Her tongue darted out and licked her lower lip. "I knew you wouldn't hurt me." She swallowed. "You were radiating pure power. It was…"

Her cheeks tinted pink, and she looked back down at her plate.

No man alive would be able to resist this. His mate was looking at him like he was some sort of god on earth. He stood. "Mother, Father, Rex, Leo. Goodnight." He reached down and took her hand.

Her mouth formed a little 'o' before she stood, smiling. "Goodnight, everyone."

He swept her up into his arms, causing her to giggle.

Behind them, he heard his father and brother laughing uproariously. Ignoring them, his mother called out.

"I'll look into getting that amulet first thing tomorrow!”


He carried her up the stairs. Each step seemed to take an eternity.

"I can't believe you just did that."