"Like father, like son," his mother said, walking up behind them with his father. "Come along, children, it's time for dinner."

He held out his elbow, and his mate placed her hand on his arm. They made their way to the small dining room they used for family meals. He pulled out her chair and scooted it in for her when she sat. He took a seat on one side, and Rex took the seat between Brie and their mother.

Leo came in from the kitchen, pushing a serving cart laden with food. "I thought something light would be best tonight, so I have prepared a lemon chicken orzo soup to start. After soup, we have grilled white fish and garden salad, and for dessert, I'll serve some of the brownies that Broden made for Ari."

Ari was about to protest but saw the way both of his parents perked up. There was no way he could deny them.

"Can't we just have the brownies for dinner?" Brie asked.

His mother nodded, but Leo frowned at them both. "No. You need to eat a healthy meal so that you can appreciate the decadence of the dessert."

Rex lifted his wine glass to Brie "Told you."

Brie sighed then shrugged. "Oh well, had to try." She sniffed the air. "That soup smells amazing."

Leo puffed out his chest. "It's a new recipe to me, so I hope you like it." He started with his mother, before serving Brie and making his way around the table.

Ari lifted his spoon and stared down at the soup. He was more of a meat and potatoes guy. He lifted a spoonful and was surprised at the explosion of flavor. "Gods, Leo! This is beyond amazing," he exclaimed. He couldn't seem to eat it quick enough with his spoon, but he finally finished his bowl. "Leo, could I have some more please?"


too!" his mate added, holding up her own empty bowl.

"Of course!" Leo quickly served them again.

After the second bowl, he found himself still craving the incredible soup.

"Just a bit more," Brie asked.


Leo looked at the two of them. "Is it really that good?"

He exchanged looks with his mate, and they both nodded. "I don't know what it is, but it's hitting the spot."

Rex and both of his parents were looking at them strangely. His mother looked down at her half-eaten bowl. "It's okay, but not a favorite." Both his brother and father nodded their agreement.

"I bet it's the cilantro," Brie said, watching Leo carefully, as he ladled out their third bowl.

Everyone stared. "Why do you think that, baby?" Ari asked.

"It's a controversial herb in the human world. Scientists have discovered a portion of the population taste soap when eating cilantro, everyone else tastes yumminess."

Catherine snapped her fingers. "That's it exactly. I thought there might have been residual soap on the bowl."

Ari smiled at his mate. "So, our house will be Team Cilantro?"


Leo simply stared at them. "There's science in existence now that links your DNA to what you taste?"

Brie swallowed her latest bite. "Some. Then again, most cooking is a mixture of chemistry, alchemy, and witchcraft to me."

"We're so perfect for one another," Ari said, tackling his soup.

"If neither of you can cook, how will you eat?" Rex asked.

Ari looked at Brie, and they both shrugged before looking at Leo. "Leo," they said in unison.