Rex chuckled. "Let's go see what balanced meal Leo has whipped up."

Ari nodded. His brother was a genius. Once Brie saw the amazing meal Leo had made for them, she'd understand how important eating a nutritious meal is. "Excellent idea."

He carefully carried his pan of precious brownies on the other side of his body from where Brie held his hand. He was so preoccupied with his dessert, the walk to the Lionhart estate was over before he realized it.

Leo greeted them at the door. "Thank the gods you boys and little Brie are home." He held out his hands to his mate. She looked up at him, and he nodded to her bag of clothes. She handed them off to him. "I'll get these washed up for you in no time." He leveled a look in his direction. "Though, it may be best if she were able to get a few of her things and change of clothes from her home so that she isn't stuck wearing the same thing for days on end."

She smiled. "I'm used to wearing a uniform everyday, so it hasn't really bothered me."

Ari winced. "We'll head back to Monroe in the morning," he promised.

"Excellent. Now, boys, your mother and father are waiting for you in their antechamber. Miss Brie, I have taken the liberty of running you another bath. I hope I wasn't presumptuous, but Lady Catherine did say you thoroughly enjoyed the one you had last night."

"I did. That sounds so wonderful. Thank you, for thinking of me. I hope it didn't put you out," she said, biting her lower lip.

Ari just stared at where her teeth were nibbling. Rex elbowed him, and he realized he had been growling again.

Laughing, she stood on tiptoe to kiss Leo on the cheek before heading up the stairs for her bath.

Ari sighed happily as he watched her ass all the way up the stairs.

"The way you keep looking at her, you may want to invest in either a contraceptive amulet or baby clothes," Leo said, smirking. "Personally, I'm hoping for baby clothes. It's been much too long since you were a baby, Ari," he said, before turning to head back toward the kitchen.

Ari's brain was still processing the words 'baby clothes'. He looked up at Rex, unable to formulate words to express how his brain was imploding.

"Let us go find you a drink. Calm down, Ari, you haven't even claimed her yet. You have plenty of time to discuss such things," Rex said soothingly, steering him toward their parents' antechamber.

"Right. Time. Right," he repeated.

"Father, Leo was feeling mischievous and short circuited Ari's brain with talk of baby clothes. Can you pour him a small glass of Forbidden Fruit?" Rex said, sitting him down in one of the wingback chairs.

"Baby!" his mother exclaimed. "It's much too soon. Isn't it?"

Ari blushed. "We haven't…" he trailed off. They had only just cleared the twenty-four hour mark in knowing each other. Much too soon to be thinking of baby clothes.

"Not that I'm opposed mind you," his mother added slyly.

His father simply walked over and handed him a glass. "This should help."

Without thinking, he downed the liquid. His throat seized, and he began to cough. His father pounded on his back. "It's not meant to be gulped."

"Leave the poor boy be, Jedrek. Baby talk notwithstanding, he and Brie have had a long day. Don't forget it started with a Tribunal at the palace and ended with another murder scene." She shuddered. "What is our world coming to?"

His father looked contrite as he went over to pour him a second glass. "Sip this one," he said when he handed it off.

He nodded and took a sip. Since the first glass had burned his mouth, throat, and esophagus, this glass was actually pleasant.

He sat back as Rex and his father discussed the newly discovered bodies. The liquor did its job in relaxing the tension he hadn't known he was carrying, and before he knew it, he could smell his mate coming toward him.

He stood when his brother and father did. When his mate came into view, he felt his mouth drop. Instead of the emerald green dress robes that he had purchased her, she now wore a pale pink dressing gown and robe. Her skin glowed, and her normally thick, brown curls were braided and hanging to one side.

Blushing, she pointed at her attire. "I hope this is appropriate. Leo left it out for me."

Ari walked over to her and simply pulled her into his arms and bent down to devour those plump lips of hers. When she sagged against him, he heard his father cough. He pulled back and looked down into the face of his flushed mate. "Gods, you're beautiful," he whispered.

She leaned forward and nuzzled his jaw with her nose. He about came unglued. How could such an innocent act turn him inside out. "Only you think I'm pretty," she replied, looking up at him.

"Good. No one else needs to think you're beautiful but me." Ari suddenly didn't want anyone else to see his mate.