Brie shoveled the last of her eggs into her mouth and washed them down with some coffee. She took Ari's hand, and they followed the guys to the palace.


The difference between the laid-back, fun, warrior kitchen and the tension-filled queen's chambers was drastic. No wonder Kincaid felt nervous coming here.

"I want to gouge out my eyeballs with that prissy, silver, sugar spoon," Meryn complained, pushing her fruit around on her plate.

"Normally, I'd say you may be feeling a bit anti-social, but it's almost oppressive in here," Amelia agreed, closing her eyes and sitting back in her chair. Darian wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into his body. "Do you need to lay back down?"

She opened her eyes long enough to glare at him before closing them again. "Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I should be treated any differently."

Nearly every man at the table snorted.

Aiden actually nodded in agreement with Amelia. "Pregnant women are incredibly strong and very fierce."

Meryn beamed at those seated around the table. "Grrrrrr."

On her other side, Kincaid let out a breath he had been holding. Slowly, he began to relax. Across the table, Kendrick tilted his head, then stood. He walked around the table until he was behind Kincaid, who now looked petrified.

"Sir?" he asked.

Kendrick ignored him and simply placed his hand on Kincaid's head. When he lifted it, he was smiling. "I think being around Meryn has made me somewhat an expert with empaths."

"What?" Ari asked, sitting up straighter.

Kendrick smiled down at Kincaid before returning to his seat. "You hate political meetings, never go to the Upper City, and avoid the palace like the plague. You looked like you were two seconds from being ill at out last meeting here, and just now, when the tension broke, you looked like you could finally breathe. Kincaid, you're an empath."

"Is that why my magic never works right?" he asked, eyes wide.

Kendrick frowned. "It shouldn't affect your magic."

Meryn turned to Kincaid. "You are my people. If you ever need to escape, you are welcome to use my Batcave."

Kincaid turned to Meryn. "Thank you. That helps more than you know."

Brie pointed to Carson. "Is he an empath too? Is that why he is barely functioning?"

Ari and Aeson laughed. "No, he's a night owl and detests mornings. He's not even fully awake right now."

Meryn pretended like she was wiping a tear. "Another peep for me." She turned to Izzy. "Can you fix him that black eye thing?"

Izzy popped up. "Absolutely, this makes him one of my people too."

"While my mate is whipping up some caffeine, Portia, will you recap the events that transpired first thing this morning?" Oron asked, nodding to the very put together female holding a quill.

Portia nodded. "This morning, right at dawn, Tyrien Ri'Aileanach along with several members of Founding Families arrived at the palace to register a case of No Confidence regarding the handling of the investigation into the murders of our people." Her eyes cut to the queen before she continued. "Though a case has not been submitted, many have voiced the question of the timing of this atrocity."

Brie couldn't imagine why that'd be a major concern. "What am I missing?"

"Motherfuckers," Meryn growled.

The queen, looking pale and wan, turned to her. "They are implying that my lack of action in the past seven days could have led to the deaths of my people, and had I acted quicker, their loved ones might still be alive."

Brie just laughed. Everyone—except Meryn—was staring at her as if she had lost her mind. "Your Majesty, no offense to you, but you're not a god. From the reports and timelines I have read, you acted very quickly when presented with possible threat to the city."

"But I…"

Brie continued. "You may not have directly had a hand in anything for the first seven days, but Aiden, as Unit Commander, arranged for improved unit training and updated patrols within minutes of the first confirmed sighting of a feral in the city."