"You don't have any form of training?"

"We used to have an academy, but Meryn made a suggestion last year to move all trainees to stay and train with the units to allow for more cadets to move up. In theory, it was supposed to increase the number of trained men that could assist. However, many Founding and Noble families pointed out that if the trainees were moved up, then only one academy was needed. So, Adair McKenzie is in charge of all cadets now in Lycaonia's academy."

"I bet you Meryn was pissed."

"You have no idea."

She pulled off her robe, then paused. "Are we having sex tonight?"

Ari, who was in the process of stepping out of his slacks, turned to face her and tripped, falling against the mattress before bouncing onto the floor.

"Are you okay?"

"Don't mind me. I'll be sleeping with my tattered pride here on the floor," Ari said, sounding disgusted with himself.

"Don't be silly. Now, sex, yes or no? Because to be honest, I'm tired and not sure I can muster up the enthusiasm despite how incredibly hot you are."

He grinned. "You think I'm hot?"

She let her robe fall to the floor and began walking toward him completely nude. She put a little sway in her step, causing her breasts to bounce. She watched in fascination as his eyes turned the color of honey. "I think you're so incredibly hot that we need to invest in birth control, because I plan on jumping your fine ass every chance I get." She yawned wide, then blinked down at him.

His expression softened, and his eyes returned to their normal shade of gold. He stood and held out his hand. "You can jump me tomorrow, after we both get a good night's rest."

She took his hand, and they both crawled into bed. He immediately curved his body around hers, tucking her head under his chin. Her body relaxed almost instantly in response to his touch.

"Goodnight, my 'supposed' soul mate," she said, yawning again.

Her yawn was cut short when he nipped the back of her neck. "Goodnight, my mate," he countered.

And for the first time in her life, she fell asleep within moments of her head hitting the pillow.

Chapter Seven

The next morning, she went to stretch and realized she was still completely cocooned in her own li'l Ari nest. As they were lying on their right side, his right arm curled under the pillow to cradle her head, and his left hand was latched onto her breast. She could feel puffs of air on her neck and found that she didn't mind it.

She eased out of bed, placing a pillow in Ari's arms so that he continued to sleep. Her hand flew to her lips to keep her laughter contained as he squeezed the pillow and grinned lecherously. Shaking her head, she quietly gathered up her real clothes and went to the bathroom to freshen up. She made quick work of her hair and make-up, then, not for the first time, sent up a prayer of thanks to Rathais, who required his deputies to wear only the uniformed shirt. Instead of hot polyester slacks, she pulled on her favorite pair of jeans. She belted on her holster and instead of repining her badge to her shirt, she slipped the sash on that held her new broach.

She tiptoed out the door and headed downstairs. She found a handful of men in the kitchen prepping breakfast. Outside the window, the world brightened slowly.

"Morning, fellas," she said, in greeting.

Aeson and Matthieu waved, and Aeson pointed to the frying pan. "Early birds get to pick their egg style."

"Scrambled for me and thanks. Any coffee?" she asked, looking around.

Matthieu pointed to the small alcove where multiple industrial coffee urns burbled. "Just finished."

She went over, poured a cup of black ambrosia, added sweetener, and took a sip. She sighed, leaning one hip against the wall. "This is amazing."

"Thank Izzy. She is setting up a small coffee shop in Dav's pub and offered to order us coffee from her wholesaler account. We could never get beans this good otherwise," Aeson explained

Ramsey came around the island, holding a small pitcher. "You should try with half-n-half. I had Leo show me how to get the milk to cream ratios right."

Normally, she didn't take cream in her coffee, just a bit of sweetener, but he looked so excited, she found herself holding out her cup. He poured then stopped, eyed the swirling brew then added a bit more. He went to the coffee station and grabbed a spoon and stirred for her. "Try now."

She took a sip, fully expecting to hate it, but found for once, the cream didn't overtake the taste of coffee, just added a smoothness to the experience. "That's freaking amazing!"

Ramsey beamed. "I know, right!"