Meryn winced. "Well…"

"It's an entertaining story," Brie added. She accepted her glass of wine from Cord and took a sip.

Aiden placed his large hand over his mate's head, covering it completely. He bopped it around. "Meryn."

"Fine! Remember how I told you I used to help Law kill people?"

Aiden frowned but nodded, so she continued. "So, after college, I ran a bit wild on the interwebs. One day, there was a knock on the door, and a bunch of suits were there to take me in. They drove me to this huge building and sat me down in the middle of this sort of office to await processing. Evidently, I skipped normal jail and went right to federal 'they check in, but they don't check out' kinda establishment." Brie watched as the color in Aiden's face drained away. She took another sip of wine. She knew the story after all.

"So, I was like, freaking out and kinda mad, because they didn't stop to grab food on the way to the office, when I heard a bunch of raised voices down the hall. The giant they had watching me was looking away, so, I slipped past him to go in the direction where I heard people yelling and panicking.

"The door to this high-security room opened, and this guy ran out, so I snagged the door and went in, thinking I could hide from the Sasquatch guarding me. I went to the corner and looked up. They had all of these monitoring stations mounted everywhere. At first, I thought they were watching some kick ass action movie, but then I realized that it was real life. The reason why they were freaking out was because one of their teams was stuck behind enemy lines in this huge corporate high rise.

"I wasn't going to do anything, I mean these guys were about to send me up the river, but then I saw the sleeve of one of the soldiers. It had a battered looking US flag on it, and on his vest was a patch showing one of my favorite comic book character logos. I couldn't let him go down, ya know?

"So, I walked up behind one of the useless pencil necks and kinda shoved him away from his workstation and got busy. I grabbed his headset and turned on the mic and said…"

A tall man walked up behind her. "Yo, Deadpool, this is Red Queen, follow my instructions, and you'll live."

Meryn beamed up at him. "Yup!" She jerked her thumb backward to her friend. "I hacked the company's security and basically guided them out. After that, the suits wanted to make a deal. If I continued to help their teams, all charges would be dropped, and I could live my life doing whatever I wanted as long as I didn't steal or commit treason. So, I worked for the government for a few years, mostly with Law's team and then got out."

Brie chuckled. "She didn't just work for the government. The base that she operated out of was ground zero for some of the most insane and successful missions the US never officially pulled off. At her insistence, she convinced high command that she should be taught how to carry and shoot a weapon. When they argued that the only ones allowed to carry weapons on base were Black Ops, she just shrugged and said, 'Well, make me Black Ops.' And they did."

Brie smiled sweetly at Aiden. "Your mate has one of the best shooting records amongst the most dangerous men on the planet."

Aiden stared down at his petite mate, aghast. "You were Black Ops?!"

"Sort of."

"You were trained to shoot?"


His eyes narrowed. "And you accidentally shot me?"

Meryn blinked. "Uhhhh."

Law, then most of the men, began to laugh at the large commander's chagrin.

Meryn turned to her. "What about you? My exploits wouldn't have been mentioned in a normal training class."

Her father turned to Meryn. "You'd be right. You're looking at one of the few individuals to attain a perfect score on every single test to get into Quantico."

"You're a Feebee?"

Brie shook her head. "I had to quit the program before I could finish. But, like you, I would help out when I could, unofficially of course."

"Computers?" Meryn asked.

"No, profiling. My first degree was in Abnorma

l Psych, so I would read case after case after case to study trends and patterns."

"Kickass," Meryn whispered.

"Why did you quit?" Ari asked.

"My mother was diagnosed with cancer, so I dropped out to return home to take care of her."