"How bad was it?"

"War crimes bad. The bodies were stacked up in piles. I've never seen that many dead in one place."

"We only had rumors for most of the morning, the only concrete information coming from Ari via Rex. Once the branches began to petrify on family trees, that was when things began to get really bad here in the city."


"You poor dear, you were literally thrown into the deep end with none of those adorable floaties babies get nowadays while learning to swim."

Brie shrugged, the warm water moving across her skin. "Ironically, the only thing that has me stuck on stupid is this whole mating thing." She groaned. "How messed up is that? Dead bodies everywhere, angry mobs, and I'm more anxious about possibly meeting my soul mate."

"It makes perfect sense, dear."

She turned to look up at Ari's mother. "How so?"

"You didn't know anyone who has died, but Ari is tied to you directly. Of course, it's making you nervous."

"I never considered that."

"Now, let me get you fill you in on what's been going on in our world."

"I thought this was relaxy time for me?" she countered.

Catherine laughed. "That was for the men's sake. You and I both know that most bathroom breaks women take are simple 'fall back and reassess the situation' procedures."

Brie chuckled. Her own mother had told her something similar growing up. "Okay, lay it on me while the bath water is still perfect."

Brie sat and listened as Catherine not only introduced her to the different aspects of the paranormal races, cities, cultures, and history, but also the growing and alarming threats they were currently facing. The sheer number of names she was learning was astounding. If she didn’t have a near photographic memory, she would have been sunk.

When she was officially a prune, she let Catherine know she was ready to get out. Catherine stood and retrieved a large fluffy towel for her. She handed it off before turning around once again.

"So, these reapers are killing pregnant women and stealing the soul of their unborn child to use as a container for the magical ability of their shifter parent, and they are more organized than anyone realized," Brie recapped as she dried off. Though she had just had a ton of heavy stuff thrown in her direction, the bath itself had done wonders in keeping her relaxed so her mind could focus.

The treats that Jedrek had arranged were small chocolate truffles that kept her alert and able to process so much information. Ari's parents had practically worked a miracle in getting her up to speed so she felt as though she was standing on solid ground. Sometime during her bath, her clothes were handed off, and two glasses of wine were given in exchange. She couldn't tell what helped more, the chocolate or the wine.

She watched as Catherine nodded and popped a truffle in her mouth. "Exactly. Meryn McKenzie has been invaluable in compiling information to track patterns to try to ascertain the killers intent."

"I bet," Brie murmured. If their Meryn was the same one she had heard about, they might actually have a chance at catching these killers.

There was a knock at the door before it opened slightly, and a masculine hand shoved an emerald green robe through the crack. "This is for Brie, Mother." Catherine gathered it and passed it back to her. Brie secured the towel around her body and stared down at the beautiful gown.

"Thank you, Ari, we'll be down in just a moment. Can you tell your father to arrange the carriage?"

"He's already seen to it."

"Perfect. Be down in just a few minutes, darling."

The door closed as Brie turned the material over in her hands. She normally lived in her uniform, but it wasn't lost on her that this must have cost a small fortune.

She looked up shaking her head. "I can't wear this."

Catherine looked back confusion on her face. "Why ever not?"

"It's too expensive!"

Catherine simply laughed. "Ari has more money than he could ever spend in ten lifetimes, and even if he didn't, we, as his parents do a few times over. As his mate, you will never have to worry about money again."

"Yeah, no. That's not gonna work for me. I like my job and having my own money."