Everyone shook their heads, and Oron answered. "He has a very specific trigger. You never, ever say anything bad about his brothers. Ever. We all learned that when he was a cub. Everyone in the city knows this, looks like Tyrien forgot."

Brie remembered how the fae all stood back immediately as Tyrien's words.

"That's kinda sexy," she admitted.

The snarling stopped, plunging the room into silence. Then a low purr was heard.

Gage sighed. "Thank the gods. Brie, say that again."

Brie stayed on the table top. "Ari, come here and let me see you in this cat-man form."

Ari shrugged off his unit brothers and loped over to her.

When she ran her hands over his soft fur, he began to purr. His new form just meant more muscles to ogle. "I like."

"That's the fastest he's ever calmed down," a fae in the crowd observed.

Ari slowly shrunk back to his normal height. "Not too weird?" he asked lowly, the scrubs he wore now tatters about him.

She shook her head. "Remember, I was raised around big cats. Looks normal to me, honestly."

Ari looked around the room. "Where is Tyrien?" he growled.

"Probably at home compiling his complaints," Kyla said sighing. "He's my mate's brother, and frankly, I like him much better when he isn't at home." She pointed to the man with her. "This is my older brother Nylan. Tyrien is especially upset that my mate has asked him to oversee the Aileanach household while he was away. So please don't take his ire personally. He shouldn't be complaining now of all times."

"If you have any complaints as to how this is being handled, you can direct them to the palace, but please know that this young woman has my full support," a clear voice rang out over the crowd.

Kincaid handed Ari a bag. He quickly pulled out his clothes and began dressing.

"Your Majesty," the people replied, and moved as a single entity as they parted and bowed, making way for the ethereal being that had just spoken. The gorgeous woman made her way to the table and gave her a wan smile. "I was listening from outside. Thank you. Thank you so much for taking care of my children." At first, Brie thought the woman was referring to the crowd. It wasn't until the elegant being began to walk between the rows where the bodies lay did she realize that she had been speaking of the dead.

A tall uniformed man walked behind the woman, a steady presence and barrier between her grief and the crowd.

Brie turned to the people. "You may go. We'll be contacting you soon."

No one argued. In fact, it seemed as if they couldn't leave quick enough. Brie realized it wasn't because she had dismissed them and everything to do with giving this woman privacy to grieve.

Ari finished buckling his vest and stepped forward to help her down, his eyes still blazing gold. She placed both hands on his chest and felt his muscles relax a bit. It shocked her that she had such an effect on him. "Let it go. He was upset."

Ari simply growled and pulled her close. A gasp and low cry had them both turning to see the woman sink down to lay a pale hand on one of the smaller bags. The man in uniform scooped her up into his arms. "Enough, Aleks, this isn't your fault."

"Mother, let us return to the palace," one of Aiden's tall friends suggested.

"We can't leave them," the queen said brokenly.

The uniformed man turned to her. "What should we do?"

Brie looked around and saw that everyone was looking to her for some direction. "Keep the temperature low and seal the room. No one gets in unless escorted by an officer,"

"Warrior," Ari interrupted.

"Warrior," she continued. She took in the woman's distraught face. "Let's leave a candle burning for them, so it won't be so dark in here."

The woman exhaled and rested her head on the man's chest. He looked at her and mouthed, 'thank you'.

She nodded and everyone made their way outside.

Aiden turned to two men she didn't recognize. "Ben, you're in charge of security here. Work with Brie to create the teams that will be assisting the people in claiming their family members."