She exhaled. "I wish you were coming, but understand why you're not. Besides, my dad will be there, so as soon as I kick his ass and figure out how he's okay with all this, he can help me process."

"Hey!" her dad protested.

Rathais nodded. "I'll be checking in on you soon. Consider yourself on paid leave until the dust settles."

She glared at him and opened her mouth to protest. He held up his hand. "You're assigned this case, Brie, you'll just be working it from that side." He pointed to the portal.

She sighed. "Fine."

Ari took her hand. "Come on, hon, let's go."

She let him lead her through, not entirely sure what waited for her on the other side.



Chaos waited for them on the other side of the portal.

The second they stepped through and the people saw who had arrived, questions, demands, and accusations began to fly at a rapid rate. Aiden was trying to answer as many questions as he could, but he and every other man looked like they were in way over their heads.

She looked around and spotted a standard folding table. Using a chair, she climbed up on top, placed her fingers to her lips, and let out a piercing whistle. The quiet was almost deafening after the panicked cacophony. All eyes were suddenly on her.

"Can I get everyone with a question to take two steps backward please?" she asked.

The people looked at one another then stepped back.

"Thank you. Now, I know all of you have questions regarding today's tragic findings, but the men before you and I are still looking for answers. I want to assure each and every one of you that we will not stop searching until we find those responsible."

"Why is a human involved?" one of the taller blond men sneered. "We were pulled from our homes to return to Éire Danu, only to find that our loved ones have been massacred."

"Your name please?" she asked calmly.

"Tyrien Ri'Aileanach."

"Tyrien, you have returned to the city from where?"

"The Hamptons."

She blinked. Of course, he was from the Hamptons.

"How long had you lived there before coming back?"

"I don't see how—"

"How long?" she asked again firmly.

"In that location, fifty years."

She pointed to her chest where her badge was very much on display. "Then you should know what this badge is and what it stands for. I have been trained to protect my people much in the same way these fine men have been trained to serve. I'm not sure what education goes along with such training here, but I have put in years studying to get different degrees to help me in doing my job." The man opened his mouth to speak, but she kept going. "I not only have a degree in Abnormal Psychology but also Forensic Science. That means I am specially trained to not only figure out why a criminal is committing these atrocities but also how. Now, I may be new to your world, but it sounds like you need someone exactly like me, human or not."

"Gods above, she is right," a woman whispered.

Tyrien went to protest, but the woman glared at him until he looked away. "My name is Kyla Vi'Aileanach, it was my"—she swallowed hard—"sister and her mate who were found."

Brie nodded. "I am very sorry for your loss."

"We know that the warriors don't have all the answers, but"—she paused again—"they represent the last tie we have to our loved ones. Any information they have is desperately needed."