He looked down at her and raised an eyebrow. She shook her head. Anything she wanted to say, she wanted to stay between the two of them, not the entire vehicle. This was not a group project.

"Ari, have you called your parents yet to let them know you've found your mate?" Gage asked.

Ari shook his head. "No, I'll let them know after we arrive. I imagine they are up to their ears in helping Rex get the body identification process organized."

Aiden tucked his phone into his vest pocket. "The queen is requesting for Tau to have dinner at the palace tonight, your parents and brother, of course, will be there."

Ari sighed and let his head fall back against the seat. "I was seriously looking forward to a quiet, light meal tonight."

She nodded absently. That sounded really good to her too.

"Ari, not only are you a Lionhart, but you are essentially the city's ranking unit leader. You won't have a moment of peace until this entire mess is behind us." Aiden turned in his seat to give him a sour look. "Trust me, I've been bouncing from shit storm to shit storm with Meryn in tow for months. I dream of a day where we aren't facing a worldwide catastrophe."

Brie stared at Aiden. "Meryn, spelled m-e-r-y-n, right?" He nodded. "Her last name wouldn't be Evans, would it?"

Aiden now looked spooked. "Why?"

Brie just smiled. If Meryn was who she thought she was, dinner was going to be interesting.

"Brie?" Aiden pleaded.

She simply smiled at him, then turned to look out the window.

"Godsdammit," Aiden muttered, pulling out his phone. His large fingers moved carefully. After a few moments he turned back to her. "She says she doesn't know a Brie Wilson."

She beamed at him. "She doesn't know me, but I know of her."

He paled. "Gods."

Ari pulled out his phone. She looked down and saw that he was texting someone named Leo, and he was advising him to have something called Forbidden Fruit on hand for Aiden. She gave him a questioning look.

He opened up the notes section of his phone.

Paranormal whiskey. Created by the vampires, probably the only thing that can get us drunk.

She held out her hand, and he passed her his phone.

Make sure he has a few bottles.

Ari's eyes widened, and he shot off another text.


She ignored his question and resumed looking out the window.

"Gods," Ari whispered, under his breath.


When they entered the warehouse, her good mood evaporated. They were still gently photographing, lifting, and bagging bodies. She understood that the pace was brutally slow so that evidence wouldn't be missed or destroyed.

Aiden and Rathais immediately went to the side of a pair of extremely tall blond men. Her father, along with Gage, Priest, and Kincaid went over to relieve the warriors who had been lifting the bodies into the black body bags. She watched in amazement as her father comforted the warriors around him and took over the process.

The second she had him alone, she was going to ask him how he got wrapped up in the paranormal world and especially why he wasn't freaking out at the sight of the bodies. He was just a vet, wasn't he? Feeling like she didn't know up from sideways, she wandered over to River, Ari glued to her side.

"Hey, River."

"Hey, Wilson."