Today, the warriors, and by extension the Géroux's, follow you without question because if they have to die, they are going to die at your side, where they know they'll be safe, even in death."

Aiden bowed his head and rested his forehead on steepled fingers in front of him. "I never knew," he whispered.

"Neither did we," Ari admitted, his eyes shining bright.

Rex looked at his younger brother. "We did. The older generation, we made sure you took your direction from us. Aiden McKenzie was to be supported at every turn. It practically became an unspoken vow amongst the warriors."

"How do you know of it?" Ari asked.

"I told him," Declan admitted softly. "Adriel relayed to me a similar story when I became a member of Eta. Evidently, that story has been passed to every warrior after Aiden became Unit Commander."

Meryn stood and ducked down so she could wedge her head under Aiden's arm and climb into his lap. Aiden pressed his fingers to his eyes to manfully wipe his tears and kissed Meryn's head. "I don't deserve my brothers."

"You deserve every ounce of support you've gotten and more," Jedrek refuted. "Your sheer strength of character and will radiated from that horrible event. You not only cemented your own position, but also your father's. By stepping up as Unit Commander, Byron could concentrate his efforts on the council level and your two older brothers could finally start the programs they had been dreaming of to further support the units. Everything comes back to you." Jedrek eyed his own sons. "It'd be nice to see a Lionhart excel in a similar fashion."

Rex, Declan, and Ari rolled their eyes in unison. Brie smiled, she had seen Catherine do the exact same thing multiple times now, she knew exactly where they had gotten it from.

"You'll just have to settle for one of us becoming the youngest Elder since the pillar cities' inception," Rex drawled.

"Or a son who is the right hand to both the ranking unit leader of Noctem Falls and the Prince himself," Declan continued.

Ari remained silent at her side. "And then there's Ari who manages to do all of that and more in Èire Danu," she added.

Ari swung to her. "I do not."

Brie scowled up at her own mate and started ticking off everything he was responsible for. "Even Brennus admits that you are the unit leader here and the men agree. You manage your unit with four men instead of five, allowing Brennus to function as the queen's Consort. The men have told me that you are like Aiden in updating and improving drills. Every time someone needs something done that concerns the Lionharts, they come to you, and you arrange everything." She crossed her arms in front of her. "You are like a combination of Aiden, Rex, and Declan and it's time you and others realize that."

Ari rubbed the top of his head. "I'm just…"

"Amazing," she finished.

"Of course he is. I tell him that all the time," Rex interjected.

"Yeah, Ari may be the baby, but the only thing that signifies is exactly how incredib

le he is. I hadn't accomplish half as much at his age," Declan admitted.

Ari looked from one brother to the other. Aiden cuddled his mate. "Not easy to hear, is it?" he asked.

Ari shook his head. "I always felt like I scattered my efforts and fell short constantly."

Jedrek coughed to hide his embarrassment. "I know I give you boys grief, but it's because I know you're capable of so much." He smiled and wrapped his arm around his mate. "I mean, look who you have for a mother."

Ari and his brothers nodded, agreeing. "True," they echoed.

"Oh, really!" Catherine shook her head. "That's enough gloom and doom at the table. Let's fill them in on the rest so we can eat this wonderful meal in peace." She smiled around the table, then frowned as her eyes went from place setting to place setting. Declan, Ari, and Meryn had food-smeared empty plates. Both Nigel and Neil looked up, cheeks pouched out like chipmunks, their forks laden with meat frozen in front of their faces and Ryuu and Leo were in the process of adding meat slices to Meryn and Declan's plates. "Oh, dear."

Jedrek simply threw his head back and laughed. "Let the kids eat, Catherine."

Kari turned to the Lionhart matriarch. "Please continue, Mother."

"Humph!" She punched Jedrek's leg as he continued to chuckle. "At council level, Elders are obligated to review concerns sent in by their citizens. With so many worried about the breach in Éire Danu, the Committee has officially gotten involved."

Kendrick turned to Catherine. "Are they the same members that visited Lycaonia?"

She nodded. "They are, of course without the treacherous Adalwin. He was replaced by Grier Larkspur."

"Oh yeah, I forgot he literally shriveled up and died," Meryn snort laughed.