Meryn was shaping her mashed potatoes on her plate to act as a barrier between her collards and her meat. "So what'dja need us for?"

Aiden looked at his mate, surprised. "How did you know?"

She pointed to Rex with her fork. "He asked me to invite myself. I was gonna pass, but then he said they were having London Broil, so it was a no-brainer to come."

Brie lifted her wine glass, and Leo was at her side in a moment. "Red, white, or rosé?"

"Red, please." She turned to Rex. "And I saw you silence Declan and Ari in the queen's chambers when you placed your hand on their shoulders."

Rex exhaled. "We may have a tiny problem."

Jedrek snorted, then growled low.

Meryn pointed to him with her fork. "I know that growl. Council or Committee?"

Jedrek gave a short nod. "Both, in a way."

Meryn picked up a roll and pulled the insides out of it before stuffing it with collards and mashed potatoes. "Most of the council are good peeps. So it has to be the Committee."

Jedrek looked exhausted. "You're absolutely right, Meryn. Most that serve as Elders are good men, however, we do answer to our people, mostly the Founding and Noble families. We may have personal opinions on things, but we still have to represent the general consensus of those we stand for."

Meryn blinked. "Douchebag by proxy?"

Rex covered his face with his hand chuckling as Jedrek turned to his mate. "I don't know how to respond to that."

Catherine rolled her eyes. "Actually, Meryn, that is a perfect term."

Aiden lifted his wine glass. "For example, after the last attack on Lycaonia, nearly every member of the council was being pressured to secure Keelan's body for observation, to determine that he wasn't a threat." He gritted his teeth. "Father had a hard time going against the Witches' Council that wanted him shipped back to Storm Keep. If Kendrick hadn't shown up, he may have had to capitulate."

Rex looked to Meryn. "We'll take it one step further. Founding and Noble families speak for the people that look to them. So, if a large majority of people are pressuring their Founding and Noble Family Heads, they in turn pressure the Elders, who bring up issues in council. For issues impacting all four pillar cities, all four councils weigh in and so on."

Meryn winced. "Sounds too complicated to me."

Kari sipped her water then turned to Jedrek. "What exactly is being said, Father?"

Jedrek straightened a little and was suddenly all smiles at Kari calling him 'Father'. "The Gods must have known we'd need you here, little one." He eyed Declan. "You're welcome as well." Catherine whacked her mate's shoulder as he smiled at his son. Declan smiled back. "Father, I've missed your dry sense of humor."

Kari reached under the table and pulled out a tablet from her bag. Seeing this, Meryn also reached down under her seat and grabbed her laptop, setting it in her lap. Kari held up her digital pen. "Start with the most pressing issue, and we will go from there."

Jedrek nodded. "The council heard about the vote of No Confidence, and they are calling for a review of actions leading up to the murders." He eyed Aiden. "The unit warriors are also under review. The Committee stepped forward and brought up the fact they themselves had questions in how things were being done back when Lycaonia was attacked."

Aiden began to growl low in his throat. Jedrek smiled and shook his head. "Like father, like son. I believe your father is hosting a similar dinner right now with Lycaonia's council members trying to line up arguments for what happened within the city."

Meryn blinked. "Is that why Uncle Celyn wasn't at the palace?"

Rex nodded. "He was needed to keep your father from exploding."

Aiden snarled. "I'm stuck here and cannot be there to answer for my own actions."

Rex held up a finger. "That's where we come in." He looked at Kari. "Magnus and I feel it best I stay here. Dagda and Alastair have both assured Magnus that after what happened in Noctem Falls, Aiden and Meryn could do no wrong in their peoples' eyes, so I can remain here to assist."

Kari covered her mouth as she smiled. "I feel sorry for anyone that says something even slightly bad about Meryn in Noctem Falls."

Meryn blushed furiously as she began to sculpt shapes in her potatoes.

Kari tapped on her tablet. "That leaves Lycaonia, Èire Danu, and Storm Keep. Let us start with Èire Danu. In addition to the No Confidence, what else is being said?"

Rex sat back. "Until tonight, most of the citizens did not want Brie involved in the search for their people." He tilted his head. "Though that may change drastically after this evening. They weren't anticipating that your heroic efforts would save over one hundred fae lives, all who are currently singing your praises, Meryn too. The queen didn't disclose Meryn's efforts without reason; we'll need the survivors support in the days to come."