"We may have some dinner prepared for you, boy," his father replied in a similarly gruff tone.

Catherine had one arm wrapped around Declan's neck, and she was reaching for Ari with her other hand. Both Ari and Rex stepped close enough to hug their mother between the three of them.

"They really love their boys," a voice observed, coming up behind her.

"Dad!" she ran to her father and buried her face in his shoulder. "I missed you."

"I know, baby girl, I know. You've had a rough couple days, haven't you?" he asked.

She looked up and sniffled. "Yeah."

A strong arm pulled them both close. She looked up into Doran's face. "We should have been there for you," he said contritely.

She shook her head. "No, you both needed time to yourselves." She wiped her nose on her sleeve. "I'm a grown woman, after all."

Her father eyed her sleeve. "A grown woman that hasn't learned how to use a tissue?"

"There's been no time, Dad."

His face fell, and he pulled he close again. "I would give anything to save you from the horrors you've seen over the past few days."

She sagged against her father, knowing Doran was supporting them both. "I wouldn't change a thing," she murmured. "Yes, I saw some truly horrible things, but I found Ari, and he's perfect for me. He has this light about him that helps me face the dark. I wouldn't trade finding his love for anything."

Doran rubbed her back soothingly. "You have us now. My brother filled us in on everything we've missed. I'm so proud of you, baby girl. I know your mother would be too."

Brie pulled back in surprise. "He told you about Momma?"

Doran looked confused. "Of course he did. She played a huge part in both of your lives; I owe her much."

"I ran home since Doran could open a portal for us. I packed us both quite a few things and I brought your laptop bag and work duffel." Her father pointed to the second floor. "Leo had everything put into Ari's room."

"Leo! We have to make Declan's favorite!" Catherine called out.

“It’s ready to be served, my dear," the squire responded.

She eyed her squire. "You knew?"

He simply placed his fist over his chest. "Dinner will be served within the hour. Boys, your rooms have been prepared for you." He smiled at Aiden. "We have also arranged for guest rooms and baths for the Alpha members," he said, indicating Aiden and Kendrick. He sighed and looked at Catherine. "Might I suggest you release your stranglehold and let the poor boys freshen up. They did participate in an important mission today."

Catherine huffed. "I finally have all my boys home; I don't want to let them go."

Jedrek peeled her away from Declan. "Go ahead, boys, we'll be waiting for you in your mother's parlor."

"Jedrek! Honestly!" Catherine protested.

Jedrek winced. "Do make it quick," he added.

Ryuu looked to Meryn. "I will assist in the kitchen. Is there anything else you're craving?"

"Those mushy, smelly, soggy green leaves Cord served the other night. When you added vinegar, they were amazing."

He nodded then turned to Leo. "Have you any collards I could prepare?"

Leo raised his arm, pointing the way to the kitchen. "As luck would have it, I have some cleaned and cooking. All you have to do is season them to her tastes."

Ryuu bowed. "My thanks."

"Yes!" Meryn said excitedly.