"And my baby sister-cousin," Kendrick pointed out.

"And our sister!" Nigel and Neil added.

Meryn blushed and resumed her backward march. "I have lots of family now."

Ari nudged Brie's side. "Five bucks Aiden won't be able to eat when we get there; his stomach will be in knots from watching her walk backward."

Brie shook her head. She knew better. She had watched men like Aiden eat their weight in food when they were nervous. "I bet you ten he puts a serious dent into whatever meat platter Leo puts out."

Ari grinned. "Deal."

Declan looped his arm through hers. On his other side Kari walked with her phone in her hand as she scrolled with her thumb. "You both speak to each other like fellow unit brothers," Declan observed.

Brie exchanged looks with Ari who shrugged before she turned back to Declan. "Ari is my mate, both are close bonds, of course it would sound similar."

Ari squeezed her hand. "Fate gave me someone that would walk beside me, and I couldn't be more thankful," he said, nuzzling her temple.

Brie swallowed hard. "I got someone that accepted me no matter what. To me, that's priceless."

Declan pointed to his mate. "She tells me what to do and keeps us moving forward. Without her, I didn't have much of a life at all."

Kari looked up from her phone. "He became the home I always craved, a place to come back to."

Aiden, his face somewhat pinched, smiled. "Meryn gave my life purpose and helped me to see things differently, expanding my world."

Meryn stared up into Pip's parasol. "Aiden is my world. I had nothing before him, and I'd have nothing without him."

Brie heard a curse then a muffled exclamation. They all turned to see that at Meryn's declaration, Aiden had stumbled, taking out Ryuu and Pierce when he went down.

Meryn smiled down at her mate. "Remember how you feel right now, because whenever you get that expression, my world gets thoroughly rocked that night in bed."

Laughing, Kendrick, Rex, and Ari helped the other men stand. Aiden immediately swept Meryn up in his arms. The second he turned like he was going to head back to the palace, her little fists bopped him about the chest.

"Hell no! Food first, then sex. I need that London Broil in my life!"

Aiden pouted. "But baby…"

For a moment, Meryn looked like she was about to relent.

"It's not just London Broil," Ari said, looking down at the small woman. "He also serves it with the most delicately prepared caramelized onions on earth," Ari added, a wicked look in his eye. "The potatoes have just enough garlic, and I think he makes the butter himself," he continued.

Meryn licked her lips. "Definitely food first."

Aiden shot Ari a death glare, and her mate only laughed. "Serves you right."

Aiden blinked then looked at Brie before he got a sheepish expression. "I suppose so."

Brie couldn't help but laugh. Ari had cockblocked his commander for getting in the way of his blow jobs earlier.

Meryn wiggled out of Aiden's arms and caught up to the boys. "I need foods for energy!" she announced to the world.

Aiden brightened. "Sounds like a great idea, baby," he said walking behind her.

Ryuu shook his head. "I better get with Leo so I can make sure I have the seasonings at home for this meal. I have a feeling they both will request it."

Rex walked next to Kari. "How the units get anything done is a miracle to me."

She held up her phone. "Counteroffer on the warehouse," she said, handing it over to him.