"Meryn, no," Aiden chided.

"You both would be more than welcome. In fact, I insist," Rex said as he placed a brotherly hand on each of his brother's shoulders.

Brie watched as both Declan and Ari tensed a bit, then relaxed just as quickly.

"Leo would love to feed you again, Meryn," Ari added.

Rex turned to Kendrick. "In fact, I'd like to extend that invitation to you and your mate as well."

Kendrick simply nodded. "We'd be honored."

Meryn tugged on her mate's hand. "Come on! They're having London Broil!"

Aiden frowned down at his mate. "When did you become such a little carnivore?"

She stopped tugging and pointed to her belly. "Blame your kid."

His eyes softened. "Of course," he conceded.

Meryn turned to Rex. "If I'm going, the boys are going."

Rex nodded. "I already took that into consideration when I texted Leo our updated numbers. In fact, we're expecting two more. They'll be meeting us there."

"Yes!" the twins threw their fists in the air.

Pip gulped. "I can do this. I can do this. I have my special umbrella." He ran off to the other room.

Meryn looked at the twins. "Say what now?"

Neil shrugged. "It worked."

"What worked?"

"Well, Nigel and I realized that as long as Pip didn't see the sky he was fine."

Meryn put her hands on her hips and pointed up. "How can you avoid the freaking sky?"

"With this!" Pip said excitedly, as he returned in a flash.

"They made me my own special umbrella. This is the night time version." He opened what looked to be a parasol and pointed to the underside. "Nigel and Neil painted it for me."

Brie caught a glimpse and marveled at the art work. Swirling constellations and shooting stars were meticulously painted on the fabric of the parasol.

He showed Meryn who looked from the twins to the parasol and back. "You could have let him g

et used to the sky more, so he didn't need this."

Pip shook his head adamantly. "No. We needed to come to you. It will probably take me months, even years to be fully comfortable with the sky. You needed us now."

Meryn swallowed hard. "It's a gorgeous umbrella, Pip."

He stood up straight. "Neil added the stars, and Avery found some silver paint." He hugged it to his chest. "It is my first present, well, besides getting you as a sister."

Aiden wrapped an arm around each twin. "Good job, boys."

"Yes, sir," they answered together.

Pip opened the parasol all the way and held it over his head. "I am ready to go outside now."