"It says he is a blessing from the gods and that we are lucky to have him," Bastien announced loudly.

"Gods all bless the McKenzie!" a cheer went up.

Aiden looked shocked as the multiple voices reverberated around the room.

"And he's an amazing mate!" Meryn yelled, standing on one of the tables, both Ryuu and Pierce at her side, ensuring she didn't just topple off.

Aiden's eyes became shiny. "Only because you're so easy to love," he said as he walked over to her and plucked her off the table.

"And we have the next generation Commander on the way," one of the fae shouted.

"And they will be part fae and tied to our queen!"

Meryn scowled. "My li'l nugget is gonna be a hacker."

The queen blew a kiss to her niece. "Considering you used your hacker skills to find my people, I would say that would be amazing too."

"The little one found us?"

"What do you mean tied to the queen?"

"Is she Eamon's daughter?"

The fae started throwing out questions at the speed of light. Meryn wiggled until Aiden put her down, and she immediately retreated behind Ryuu and Pierce.

Aiden was about to say something when the portal glowed again, and Declan, along with a beautiful woman, walked through.

"Kari! Simba!" Meryn ran to where Declan stood smiling. He opened his arms and she jumped right into them. Despite being pregnant, he easily lifted her up and swung her around, causing her to laugh.

Kari just shook her head. "It has not even been two weeks, Meryn."

Declan set Meryn down and the small woman grabbed Kari's hand and dragged her over to Portia. "Kari, Portia needs your superpowers getting this mess organized."

Meryn turned to Portia. "You're going to love Kari. She's all neat lines and boxes like you."

Kari nodded to the fae. "Pleased to meet you."

Portia just stared down at Meryn's exuberance. "We may need to add deportment to your daily schedule." She looked at Kari. "Any assistance at all would be greatly appreciated. I do feel a bit out of my depth as of late and everyone here has been singing your praises."

Kari blushed and ruffled Meryn's curls. "What has the little monster been saying?"

"She said you live and breathe forms, Power Point, and highlighters," the queen answered, walking up to them.

She and Ari followed behind Declan as he made his way over to his mate. "My Kari is an invaluable asset to Prince Magnus. He regards her as nothing less than his right-hand person and implicitly trusts her in the day to day running of Noctem Falls," Declan announced, keeping his tone neutral.

Brie didn't have a lot of experience when it came to the political side of the force, but she knew a power play when she saw one. In a single statement, Declan let it be known that his mate was valued highly by Prince Magnus, and impertinence to her would be dealt with swiftly.

"And while she is here, she will be treated as a close friend of the throne," the queen confirmed.

Kari eyed Portia's quill and scroll, and her eye began to twitch. "We are expected for dinner at the Lionhart estate, but perhaps tomorrow, you can show me what you have thus far?"

Portia nodded. "Many thanks."

"Dinner?" Meryn asked, piping up. "Whatcha havin'?"

"Leo's London Broil," Rex answered, smiling as he walked up from behind them.

"Hell yeah!" Meryn danced around excitedly.