"For you, of course," Declan said.

"Kendrick can't figure out how to crack that nut, so we have to buy the building," he explained.

Declan whistled low. "If Kendrick can't figure it out, it must be serious magic."

"Kincaid threw it around our feral friends with no clue how to bring it down." He looked over his shoulder at his unit brother. "With Kendrick and the Ashleigh brothers seeing his magic first hand, hopefully, he'll finally get the help he needs."

Declan laced his fingers behind his head. "If he's done something Kendrick can't figure out, he officially has their attention," he said laughing.

"I'm going to call Rex and get him to start on the purchase. Would you or your unit be able to maintain twenty-four hour watch?"

Declan nodded. "Easily. We can also ask Noctem Fall's wolves if they'd like to assist. Now that the virus is over, some are feeling a bit on edge over how helpless they were. Guarding a prison where the enemy is entombed may actually help quite a bit."

Ari was about to call Rex when he looked up at his brother. "You know, with the portal being open here to Éire Danu and with Noctem Falls volunteering for guard duty, you could visit every day if you wanted," he pointed out.

Declan's face became unreadable, and Ari continued. "Come home tonight, Dec, let's surprise mother by having us all home."

Declan nodded slowly at first then smiled. "After everything we've seen lately, I would say that is not only wanted, but very needed. We need to celebrate and appreciate our family now more than ever."

Ari felt his eyes begin to water, so he turned back to face his mate. "I'll give Leo a heads up. You craving anything?"

"Gods yes! I'd do anything for Leo's London Broil, like five cows worth," Declan said in a breathy voice. "And mashed potatoes and his vegetable medley that he does with whatever witchcraft seasonings he adds to it. Oh! Oh! And his fruit tart!"

Ari turned back and couldn't help laughing; his brother had a look of pure rapture on his face. "Consider it done, big brother."

He dialed Rex and wasn't at all surprised when he answered on the first ring.

"Ari, are you okay?"

"Yup, barely a scratch on me. Declan pretty much eviscerated the feral that tried to rip my throat out."

"What! Where's the damn portal?!"

"Rex! I'm fine! I need you there anyway."

"Why? What's going on?"

"Long story short, we trapped the bad guys in a box we can't open. So we now need to buy the warehouse so Kendrick and the Superwitches can play with it," he explained.

From across the room, Justice called out. "I'm living for the term Superwitch!"

Ari ignored him. "Also, can you secretly let Leo know that Declan and Kari are coming home for a visit. We'll need a late night dinner of London Broil, mashed potatoes, vegetable medley, and a fruit tart."

"Dec is coming home," Rex whispered.

"Yeah, he is," Ari felt his heart swell. It had been way too long since they had all been in the same room.

"Consider the purchase done. What about guards?"

"Noctem Falls has it covered. Just let the queen know we'll need two temporary portals from here in the warehouse to Noctem Falls for the guards to get back and forth. And, of course, we'll need one from here to Éire Danu."

"If Lionharts own the warehouse and I persuade the queen to make the portals permanent, Declan can visit whenever he likes," Rex said excitedly.


"Hanging up now. I'll work with Leo to make everything perfect," he promised.

"Everything you do is perfect, Rex."