She pulled out a pair of goggles and adjusted them as gunfire continued to echo throughout

the room. Ari watched in amazement as pools of blood appeared on the floor all around them.

Brie brought up her firearm and began to fire rapidly. She would no sooner aim, then another pool of blood would appear. She was moving almost as quickly as the warriors. After what seemed like forever, the gunfire stopped. She tapped her ear piece. "Clear! Resume operation."

The warriors jumped to their feet and fanned out. Once the invisible defenders were down, ferals emerged from behind each stacked crate.

Sascha barred his canines at them. "Come get this!"

Brie's hand went to her ear. "Darian, we need to get Quinn and Kael treatment."

"On it," he replied. He motioned Bastien to the small front office they had entered from. They each lifted a warrior then retreated to get the wounded back to the palace.

Ari heard a snarl only moments before a weight crashed into them from the right. A feral straddled him, snarling and spitting in his face. Both of his hands gripped the monster's vest to keep his teeth away from his neck.

An ear splitting roar reverberated through him. Seconds later, the feral was lifted and thrown across the room into a concrete wall. "You dare hurt my brother!" Declan hissed, then shifted both hands into claws as he proceeded to shred the feral that had waylaid him.

Brie bent over, holding out her hand. He took it, and she helped him up. "You good?" she asked.


"Report!" she called out to the men.

"Nothing new on thermal," Cam replied.

"Back secure," Ben added.

"Quinn and Kael have been transferred to Éire Danu. Darian is on his way back. Brennus will maintain the portal here in the office as a fall back point," Adriel reported.

"Ferals are down," Christoff reported. "For gods sake Sascha, he's dead," they all heard him mutter.

He and Brie turned to see Sascha jumping up and down on what looked to be a body.

Brie just shook her head. "We clear?"

"Clear!" the men rang out.

"Justice, Thane, report," she barked out.

"Alive," Thane came back. "Thank all the gods, we have over one-hundred people here and they're all alive."

A cheer went up, and Ari swept his mate up in his arms. "You did it!"

She wrapped her arms around his neck. "We all did it."

"No, baby. You did it. Coming this far out was your idea. You and Cam took down every reaper, leaving us free to take out the ferals." He set her down. "How'd you do that?"

She pointed to the goggles. "I wasn't sure if they'd work. I didn't see anything in the report about using thermal to track those invisible. I was scared to death that something in the necklaces blocked it."

"Aiden is gonna have a fit," Ben whispered gleefully. "Please let me be the one to tell him."

Sascha pulled his goggles out. "We only have night vision. When did they start making thermal imaging goggles?"

Brie patted hers. "They're not new technology, but it's a lot easier to get it in the form of tactical gear now."

Sascha grinned evilly. "They can't hide from us anymore."

Nerius pointed to Brie. "We'll have to employ some new methodology. She had us drop to avoid mixing us up with hostiles."