Aiden shook his head. "No. She's actually a quick thinker on the field and a crack shot. I'd be wasted in a perch with her."

"I chose Tau because of all the men, I know them best, but more than that, I feel like they know me best. They won't hesitate when I give an order, and that may make a difference later."

"Brie, I felt like I knew how good you were, then your mate proves I was underestimating you. It won't happen again," Aiden promised.

"No problem, sir."

"Okay, I may have something," Meryn called out, looking up from her laptop.

"Where, baby?" Aiden asked.

"It's gonna cost ya."

Aiden frowned. "You know I'd deny you nothing. What would you like?"

Meryn pointed to her. "Can I have a broach like that? But all your stuff and your tartan sash."

Aiden scooped up his mate. "I'll happily get you a representation of my warrior status to wear. That way the whole world will know you're mine."

Meryn peppered his face with kisses before wiggling about for him to set her back down. "You won't let me get a tattoo, so I figured this would be the next best thing."

Aiden turned to Ari. "Is the jeweler local?"

"Yes, sir. He owns a small shop here in the Border City," Ari answered.

"Perfect. Baby, I promise to commission one immediately. Can you tell us the secondary site now?"

Meryn scrunched up her face. "It's a long shot. Only a few people's homes have missed payments, but I think it's because the late payments haven't hit the systems yet."

Balder sat forward. "That may mean they're still alive."

Meryn shrugged. "It's possible." She flipped her laptop around. "It's about fifty-miles north of Noctem Falls. I already sent a text to Eva; she said that the Eta unit is grabbing their shit and will rendezvous here." She pointed to a large parking lot. "This mall was shut down last year, so you won't have anyone bugging ya."

Brie looked up at Aiden. "Sir, with your permission I'd like to hit that location this evening. Sunset is around six pm here on the East Coast for your team, which means we'll be hitting our location around four. Darkness will help you remain hidden, but it still being light out may give us the advantage of surprise, no one expects these type of things to happen in the mid

dle of the day."

"Agreed." He looked around. "Tau, Phi, Gamma, you're with Brie. Thane are you okay with heading out to New Mexico?" Aiden asked.

Thane nodded. "It's old stomping grounds for me. Cristo liked to stay close to home, so whenever we had downtime, we lingered in the southwest." He looked at Justice. "You're with me. Law, you babysit the commander."

Aiden gave him a flat expression. "I'm standing right here."

Brie stood, and the units assigned to her stood as well. "Can you update Darian and send him to the warrior villa?"

Aiden nodded. "Good luck. Gods willing, this may be over tonight."

Brie didn't say a word. Situations like this were never easily resolved. "Meryn, do you have anyone that can guide us in?"

Meryn jerked her thumb to the twins. "It's buy one, get one free. I've been training them along with Noah and Jaxon to be eyes in the sky."

Brie looked at the twins. "We'll be counting on you."

Neil gulped. "We'll do our best."

"Come on, guys, I have phone calls to make," Brie said, already heading toward the door.

"After, right?" Ari called out from behind her.