Creelee pouted up at Izzy. "Pud-ding! Peaz!"

Izzy rubbed her cheek against him. "Of course, you can have some, but you can't jump into it like you did your pie."

Meryn held out what looked like a small cracker. "Here's some graham cracker from the side of the bowl. Maybe he can break off crumbs and us

e that to scoop up the pudding."

Izzy handed the cracker to Creelee, who did exactly as Meryn suggested. He broke off a small piece then thrust the entire thing up to his forearm into the pudding. He gulped and licked, before repeating. Despite his size, he finished about the same time Meryn did. Both were now groaning and rubbing their bellies.

"Come on, li'l mama. Show us your Batcave, and you can nap while we run financials," Neil said, helping Meryn to stand.

Meryn tugged on his hand. "Y'all okay?" she asked, her eyes cutting to Kendrick.

Neil exchanged looks with Nigel, and they both nodded. Nigel kissed Meryn on the forehead. "Our lives changed so much when you adopted us. We suddenly knew what it was like to be loved and cared for. To have family." He looked at Kendrick. "That's just icing on the cake, but you're the cake, Meryn." He frowned. "Did that make sense?"

Meryn nodded her eyes shining. "Cord, can you bring my Magic Pudding to the Batcave for the boys?"

"Of course, my dear."

"Do you want to get started now?" Neil asked Meryn.

"Yup, I can connect you to the network, and then we can dive into databases. Jaxon uploaded more coastal maps, so we should be able to starting looking farther south."

Pip popped up, then went over to the queen. He bent down slightly and hugged her fiercely. "Meryn said I am in charge of cuddles, and you looked like you needed one." Brie thought he was the cutest thing ever.

The queen's eyes went wide before she pulled him back down for a hug and to kiss his cheek. "Thank you, Pip. You can give me cuddles whenever you want. It's been a long time since we had a baby boy in the palace."

"Roger!" Pip said, giving another salute, then hurried back over to Meryn.

Aleksandra turned to Brennus. "That boy is to be spoiled shamelessly."

Brennus just nodded. "I was thinking the same thing, my dear. Your aura brightened so much from such a small gesture; he is a treasure worth protecting."

"How can one person be so adorable?" the queen mused.

"Come on, guys, let's boogie." Meryn, along with the boys, headed for the door.

As they were walking away, Brie heard Neil ask who Pierce was and why was he following them.

"He's after Ryuu's butt, so we have to protect him."

"Right!" The twins said, glaring at Pierce.

"No butt sex for you!" Pip declared, his voice ringing through the chambers as he shook a finger up at the huge shifter.

Pierce couldn't hold in his laughter. "It gets better and better," he chuckled.

When the young quartet had left the room, Kendrick, Brennus, and surprisingly, the queen herself burst into laughter. Law was coughing as he tried to get some air.

Brennus just smiled at his mate, a bit of relief in his eyes. Laughter for the queen was a good thing right now. "Gods bless those four," he whispered.

Kendrick exhaled and looked at Anne. "Quit spoiling them. How can I be the Big Bad if they hide behind you?"

Anne stood and patted his cheek. "You're so very clever; I'm sure you'll figure it out."

Kendrick looked heavenward. "Gods above, give me strength."

Aiden sipped his wine. "No offense, Kendrick, but they're probably laughing at you too."