"Wow," Kincaid breathed.

"I know," Ari replied.

"What?" Brie asked, looking up at him with her warm brown eyes.

"In the paranormal world, especially in Éire Danu, age means a lot. For Aiden to have that mindset, is a drastic turn from our normal," he explained.

"Don't forget, Aiden is considered young himself at only seven-hundred and change. Many forget that fact since he's been leading the units since he was practically an infant," Aeson reminded them.

"Infant?" Brie asked.

"He was one-hundred years old when he took over the units, that's when a paranormal is considered an adult."

"Yikes! I see what you mean about ages playing a role in your society."

"I think his own experiences and mating with Meryn, who has made changes left and right, has reshaped his way of thinking." Ari felt excitement and a bit of hope begin to flicker in his chest. Things were changing and changing for the better. He had so many ideas to improve the units. Prior to Aiden visiting Éire Danu, he never would have dreamed he could approach Aiden and voice them. Now, especially after what was just said, he felt like he would be heard and taken seriously despite his age.

Brie lightly kicked Aeson in the ass. "Is infant a derogatory term here in Éire Danu?"

Aeson looked back, surprised. "Of course not, but young is young. We may baby Ari and the Tau unit, but we respect them too. They are the ranking unit in the city because of how good they are. We follow Ari's lead because he has proven he can think outside the box and moves us all forward."

Ramsey chuckled. "Being a Lionhart helps too."

Aeson shrugged. "It gives him a slight edge that he understands the city's politics, but even before the shadows appeared Ari was creating new drills and training methods, that has nothing to do with his family's politics."

Ari was flabbergasted. All these years he assumed they were humoring him, to hear that they actually respected his hard work was humbling. "I just want us to be the best we can."

Ramsey reached out and ruffled his hair. "Which is why we follow you."

Ari exchanged glances with Gage, Priest, and Kincaid. He could see the visible changes in them already in response to Aeson's words. There was no hesitancy in their steps now. They had received a major dose of confidence, and it showed.

"Let's grab our gear and go, gentlemen. Our Unit Commander is waiting."

"Yes, sir," his brothers responded, and they hurried through the Border City to the warrior villa.

Chapter Nine

Standing next to their vehicle, in the human realm, Ari had to admit his mate looked hot. Her jeans hugged her ass perfectly, and when you added the Kevlar vest and tactical gear, she morphed into a warrior goddess.

"Stop that," she complained, her cheeks bright red.

"What?" he asked.

"Ari, you keep staring at her like you're about to make her your next meal and growling non-stop," Priest advised him, amusement in his voice.

Ari paused. "I am?"

"You are," the men around him replied.

"I can't help it; look at her." He motioned to Brie. When the men turned to look at his mate, his lion roared. He growled loudly. The men just looked at him and rolled their eyes.

"Sorry," he said sighing.

Brie, on the other hand, was laughing into her hand.

"You find my caveman routine funny?"

"I like that you find me attractive decked out in SWAT gear, are proud enough to show me off, possessive enough to warn them away, yet secure enough in your masculinity to apologize for such a display."