Brennus just sat back, a huge smile on his face. "Gods, she reminds me of Eamon."

Celyn nodded. "He lived to see assholes squirm."

Meryn pushed a final time at Amelia. "See! It's in my DNA."

Brie looked around. "Speaking of fathers, where’s mine?"

Brennus and Celyn both turned a bit pink in the cheeks. Finally, Brennus spoke up. "Doran has been waiting thousands of years to meet his mate. We may not see them for a while."

Cord cleared his throat. "Doran placed several standing orders for food for the next couple days."

"Days!" Brie exclaimed.

"I learned about the butt sex in Noctem Falls; you better send lube, too, Cord," Meryn added.

Cord gave a short nod. "You have a valid point, Meryn. I'll see to it they have everything they need."

"Eww! Blalalalalalalala!" Brie yelled, toppling to one side on the chaise lounge, pulling a pillow over her head.

Beside her, she could feel Ari laughing at her distress. She popped back up. "It's not funny."

"Their souls have become one and neither are alone anymore. I don't think there's anything wrong with that."

"I love the fact that they're not alone anymore, but I don't need to hear about the becoming one stuff."

Meryn turned in her chair to face the queen. "Did that seem too easy?"

The queen thought about it a moment. "Yes and no. You took the wind out of Tyrien's sails regarding the 'no confidence' in me. The proof that those poor people died before things started happening here in the city was just icing on the cake after your little show." She eyed Meryn. "I never would have thought to use Portia and Cord as a type of defense. Truly amazing, Meryn."

Meryn shrugged. "I had just had a mini meltdown, and Ryuu helped me. I figured had you truly been up shits creek, Portia and Cord could easily run stuff for ya, even if we weren't here." She picked up her laptop and powered it on.

"So eloquent and so true," Portia said dryly.

"Brie was just as amazing," Jedrek bragged. "My daughter, with one play, eliminated every doubt the people may have had about my son and the other warriors." The look of pride on his face warmed her. "That was a power play, my dear, a very effective one."

"It was partially calculated. Honestly, I was trying not to shoot the bastard, and I wanted to give Aiden the advantage in case he had to reach out and love tap someone," Brie admitted.

"I'm an expert at accidental brilliance too," Meryn said, giving her a thumbs up.

Aiden just smiled at her. "I was trying to figure out how close I had to be to reach that mouthy sycophant."

"We can always summon him back," Brennus offered. "Then you and Ari could show him personally how well trained Éire Danu's warriors are."

"Don't tempt me," Aiden said sourly.

"Hey, babe," Meryn said, turning to her grumbling mate.

His face brightened. "Yeah?"

She pointed down to her laptop. "I think I may have a second location."

The room quieted. Aiden stood to look over her shoulder. "Where?"

"Georgetown. It's about four-hundred miles south of here, close to Dover, Delaware."

Aiden looked at Ari, then at her. "Gear up."

Ari turned and looked d