"Ramsey," Ari growled.

"Just as snarly as your brother," Ramsey teased.

Ari grinned. "I'll take that as a compliment."

Broden laughed. "You would."

Ramsey stood on tiptoe to look around the room, then pointed to the warrior pouring different drinks. "Aeson Vi'Liordon leads my unit."

A fae with strawberry blond hair waved at her. "He's currently planning revenge on Zach for locking him in his room on the day he was supposed to escort The Menace to the palace."

"Damn right," Aeson muttered.

Ramsey continued. "Matthieu Lucien, vampire. Leon March, fox shifter. And Carson Elderberry, witch." His finger went down the line pointing out the men making nachos. The Psi and Omega units are currently running patrols, so we'll leave out name tags for them for tomorrow."

"I really appreciate that, guys," she said, dipping her chip into what looked to be homemade pico. She took a bit and sighed happily. "This is so good."

Ari gently bumped her shoulder. "It's a weakness of mine. I had Leo show me how to make it."

"You made this?" she asked.


"All kinds of favors will be given for the pico if you add a margarita on the rocks to the combo," she offered.

Ari stood and immediately went to the sideboard that held familiar liquor bottles.

"Lucky bastard," Ramsey said.

Ari returned with a glass with a salted rim. "For you, my lady."

"You make my mouth happy, my mouth will make you happy."

Ari practically whimpered as he sat back down next to her.

"Lucky ass bastard," Broden repeated.

Ari turned to them, smiling wide. "Don't make me tell my father you were calling me a bastard."

Both Broden and Ramsey rolled their eyes. "Your father doesn't scare us; it's your mother that I would never want to cross."

Ari thought about that a moment. "True."

"Catherine? Your sweet as pie mother?"

Ari nodded. "You mean my lioness mother who is the Alpha of the huntresses of the Lionhart pride? Hell yeah."

Broden pointed between himself and his brother. "She's our mother's older sister."

She looked at them. "But you're Lionharts, doesn't that mean your fathers are related?"

Ramsey nodded. "Our mothers are sisters, and our fathers are brothers. Basically, two families completely merged together after those two matings."

Ari stole a chip from her bowl. "Our mother's maiden name was Eliana, which means 'daughter of the sun'. A matriarchal line as old and revered as Lionhart. Eliana's Daughters are known for being the best huntresses, so naturally when paired with the just as powerful Lionharts you get a generation of cubs that can do no wrong."

Broden nodded. "We are terribly spoiled, on both sides of the family. Ari, even more so being the baby."

"If the two of you end up having a baby girl, our aunts will probably lose their minds. So far, only males have been born from our parents," Ramsey added.