"Cord! More wine!" Brennus shouted, as he held up empty glasses. Thane, Justice, and Law began conjuring balloons out of nothingness, laughing all the while.

Cord was dashing away tears as he began to pour. "A baby! Finally, a baby!" he sniffled.

Kendrick stood and made his way over to his godsdaughter. He placed a hand on the top of her head then smiled. "Perfectly healthy," he announced. "Good job, crybaby," he said, a sheen to his eyes.

Amelia dabbed at her own eyes. "Mother, Father, and my brothers know. I called them this afternoon." She looked over to Meryn. "They're on their way. Mother wants to watch that orb of Aunt Violet."

Meryn was grinning from ear to ear. "Almost all my family will be together."

"We'll get the boys here soon enough," Aiden promised.

"When Pip is ready," Meryn added.

"What exciting news! And just what we all needed," Catherine said, sitting back in her chair, holding her wine glass.

"It seems like only yesterday Brie was pretending to do press conferences with her hair brush microphone in the mirror," her father said, winking at her.

Jedrek nodded. "I know what you mean. I swear Ari was just in diapers, then I turn around and he's a warrior for our city."

"Father!" Ari hissed.

Rex laughed. "You were, without a doubt the most adorable baby I've ever seen." Then he paused. "But we do have Baby Lionhart on the way in Noctem Falls, they may end up being cuter."

Ari smiled. "I bet they will be! I'm hoping for a niece."

"What's all the commotion?" A tall man that looked similar to Brennus and Celyn asked as he walked through the door.

The queen turned to him, beaming. "You're going to be an uncle!" she crowed.

He looked at Meryn and frowned. "Again?"

Brennus laughed. "No, Doran. Amelia is with child!"

Doran's eyes lit up. "That news was sorely needed tonight!" He strode over to where Amelia was being showered with affection and dropped a kiss of his own to the top of her head. "A thousand blessings on the future King or Queen of Éire Danu," he said, his voice ringing.

Amelia blinked. "Oh gods, I never even thought about that."

Darian cupped her face. "I won't be taking over for my mother for thousands of years, and our little one may be geriatric before they take over from me. Don't let it worry you; you have our little prince or princess to think of."

The queen spun to face her son. "Thousands of years?"

Darian and Oron nodded. "Yes, you are our queen."

Aleksandra sat down in the chair next to her son. "Now I know how Magnus felt. An around the world cruise sounds heavenly right about now."

Doran laughed at the way his brother scowled at the mention of the vampire prince, however, his laughter was cut short as he looked across the table. "Mine," he growled. Faster than she could track, he had rounded the table and pulled her fat

her up into his arms. When they kissed, she felt her chin drop.

"What!" the word echoed around the table.

Brennus began to hop around the room in a joy filled jig. "Finally!" he crowed.

Meryn stared. "So, more of the butt sex, huh?"

Aiden's hand went up to cover her mouth.

Ari spun her around to face him. "Brie? Are you okay?"