Catherine smiled at the urbane man. "White wine for me, Cord, with my thanks. It has been a most trying day."

Cord nodded, a deep sadness in his eyes. "This has affected Aleksandra deeply. I took her a glass of her favorite white earlier." His attention turned to her. "And for you, miss?"

"What about the guys?" she asked.

Cord blinked then chuckled. "The men usually serve themselves so us humble squires can spoil you lovely ladies more."

Jedrek returned to where they stood two glasses in each hand. He offered one to Rex, one to Ari, and one to her father. Gage was right behind him, handing off glasses to Kincaid and Priest.

"Ummm." She wasn't used to this. She didn't even know anyone with servants.

Cord's expression softened. "Ryuu said he ran into a similar situation with Meryn when she first arrived in our world. Humans these days aren't used to being served, are they?"

She shook her head, and he continued. "My bringing you a drink is in no way disrespectful to me. I love my job here in the palace."

It still didn't feel right, and she was about to tell him so when a short woman with a pixie wearing sweats and a hoodie, walked up. "I got this one, Cord," the woman offered.

Cord placed a hand over his heart and gave a slight bow.

The woman turned her green eyes to her. "Don't think of them as servants, think of them as Super Moms. Like, they always make sure you're comfortable and have food."

Brie thought about it for a moment and turned to Cord, who was nodding. "Little Meryn has on more than one occasion called squires Super Moms. It has to be the highest form of a compliment we can receive."

"In that case, it does feel a lot less weird." She looked around. "Do you have a squire?" she asked the infamous Meryn.

"Yup! The gorgeous Japanese one is mine. His name is Ryuu. He kicks all kinds of ass."

"Cord, could I please have a glass of rosé?"

Cord beamed. "Of course." He immediately left to retrieve their drinks.

"Meryn, is it?"

"Yeah, Meryn McKenzie."

"I thought it was Evans?" Brie asked casually.

Meryn shrugged. "After I mated Aiden, I took his last name…" Her voice trailed off as she stared up at her. "How did you know my maiden name?"

"I sat through a training class once about cyber-terrorism; your name came up quite a bit."

Meryn paled and took a step back. "I totally squared up with the government!"

Immediately, Aiden and her squire Ryuu were at her side. Aiden looked over at her. "What's this about?"

Brie laughed. "Meryn, calm down. I'm not going to haul you away in cuffs. You were actually mentioned as a good example—an exasperating and annoying example—but a good one."

"Government?" Aiden asked, his eyes wide.

"Yes, please explain," a regal voice demanded.

Ari gave a half bow. "Your Majesty, I have the pleasure of introducing my mate Deputy Brie Wilson and her father Doctor Chris Wilson. As you know Brie was an enormous help this afternoon. Brie, this is Queen Aleksandra Vi' ÉirDan and her consort Brennus Eirlea."

"You have my thanks once again Brie," the queen replied in greeting. Brie gave a half bow copying Ari.

"Aunt Aleks, are you feeling better?" Meryn asked.

"As well as I can possibly be. Now, what's this about you and the government?"