"What is a mate?" She had a feeling she knew what they meant, but needed to hear their definition.

"In human terms, it's like a soul mate. Someone picked out just for you, the one person on this entire earth you're meant to be with," Priest explained.

She exhaled, that's what she thought they had meant. "How can he possibly feel that way toward me, we don't even know one another?"

Aiden shrugged. "I have no idea how it works, but when I met Meryn, my entire world suddenly became centered on her smile. Her scent drove me insane, and every minute I wasn't near her was almost painful." He half turned in his seat to face her. "Paranormals can live for a long time, and the thought of spending so many centuries alone is terrifying. I think that Fate or the Powers that Be know this and gift us a mate to make the long years bearable. They give us a reason to get up in the morning and someone to hold at night."

"Are all of you mated?"

Everyone but Aiden shook their heads. Priest patted her leg. "We hold on to the unspoken promise that if we can endure without losing our souls, we will eventually be blessed with our own mates."

"How would you lose your soul?" she asked, officially feeling as if she was in over her head. Was this conversation really happening? Can people really lose their souls?

"A paranormal loses his soul when he or she harbors an evil intent in their heart and act on it. Most say it's the act of killing, yet there have been many, many instances of paranormals killing and yet they are still whole," Aiden explained.

"Like self-defense?" she asked. This was somewhat familiar territory.

"Exactly. But on the flip side, I've had to put down a feral that had never killed, yet his accumulated crimes were just as heinous. We don't know exactly what tips the scale, we only deal with the aftermath."

"That other man, Kendrick, he said you were the protectors of your people. You deal with the criminals?"

Every man nodded. "We do," Gage said. "Everyone in the car except for you and Cam are what we call unit warriors. There are six units assigned to each pillar city, and there are four pillar cities. Lycaonia, the shifter city in the North Carolina mountains. Noctem Falls, the vampire city in New Mexico, Éire Danu is where we serve," he continued, pointing to himself, Priest, Kincaid, and Ari. "Éire Danu is the city of the fae. It exists in its own small pocket universe, but has an entry portal in Monroe. The last city is Storm Keep, the city of the witches, located in the Pacific Northwest."

"And when one of your citizens commits a serious enough crime, they lose their soul and you put them in jail?"

Priest shook his head. "There is no coming back from turning feral. It's our job to eliminate them."

"Right," she whispered.

"Brie, honey, we're here," Rathais said, putting the car in park.

She took a deep breath. Right now, she'd focus on making sure the poor lion didn't die, then she'd deal with everything else. She hopped out and met her dad at the back of the car, where he was already waiting with a large flatbed style gurney.

He opened his mouth to say something, then saw the men as they poured out of the vehicle. "I was wondering how we were going to get this guy out of the car, but I think they can handle it." He eyed Aiden. "Damn, son, what do you eat?"

Aiden grinned as his cheeks glowed. "Just about everything."

"I imagine so." Her father's attention immediately went to Ari as the men gently lifted him onto the wheeled gurney. "Let's go, gentlemen. Straight ahead to the back. It's where my personal clinic is."

They quickly got Ari slid onto the operating table, and her father shooed them out.

Rathais rubbed the back of his neck. "Rex Lionhart is gonna skin me alive."

"Who's Rex?" she asked.

"Ari's extremely protective older brother," Priest answered, giving Rathais a shit eating grin.

"Oh, god."

Gage waved off her distress. "He's gonna love you. You're his new baby sister. But he'll be super pissed at Cam that you shot Ari."

"But, I'm the one that shot him."

They all nodded.

"That makes no sense."

"Your actions are a reflection of my leadership. Plus, he's going to spoil you rotten. In his eyes, you can do no wrong," Rathais said, sounding resigned.