"Perfect," Meryn crowed gleefully. "Now, our poor scared girl from Texas will see someone named Alwin Dalse attempting to purchase land near Lycaonia. Which makes even more sense if you factor in they were there last year scoping things out. Now, considering this is the Committee she's posting about, she needs a fake account."

Aiden blinked. "Meryn, she is a fake account."

"Yeah, but my fake person isn't stupid enough to post under her own name. So, she has created a fake user name for the message boards I created last year, and she uploads a scan of Alwin's interest. She'll even create a fake Facebook account to lend credibility to her user name, that way even if someone from the Committee looks into this and discovers that the Facebook account is fake, they'll probably stop there, thinking they're geniuses." She chuckled. "What a bunch of poo brains." She typed for just a few moments more. "There, icing on the cake. She has an outstanding parking ticket outside the real estate office where she works and an active complaint on file with the building manager that someone keeps parking in her assigned space." She closed her laptop and cracked her back. When she looked around, everyone was staring at her. "What?"

Magnus leaned forward. "You did all of what you said as you were typing?"

"Yeah." She held out her hands, and the boys passed her back her pudding.

Brie looked over, and with her hand, she closed her mate's mouth. "You do remember me telling you all that she made grown men at a high security levels cry, right? I wasn't joking."

Ryuu practically glowed azure. "The world we currently live in is dictated by what people see, hear, and read online." He placed a hand on Meryn's curls. "And she dictates what they see, hear, and read."

"Oh gods above," Rex choked out in a strangled voice.

Brie chuckled. "Sounds like you're just now joining the program. Welcome to the digital age."

Chapter Seventeen

"It's impossible. She can't create something out of nothing," Ari argued for the fifth time. "No matter what you say, that woman doesn't exist."

"She does if you don't have to touch her," Brie refuted.

"This is harder to understand than magic," he admitted, shaking his head.

She squeezed his hand as they passed the shops and eateries of the Upper City, now closed since it was basically the middle of the night. It didn't take long for the buildings around them to become familiar, as they turned onto the street leading to the Lionhart estate.

"I just want to go to bed and forget this night happened," Kari said, leaning against Declan as they walked.

Brie blinked, then blinked again. She noticed that the moments between blinks were getting longer. After a few more steps she was suddenly swept up into Ari's arms, and he snuggled her close. "You're dead on your feet. Next time there's a meeting after a major mission, we're skipping it."

She rested her eyes. "I don't think we'll get that option."

"You two take my baby sisters to bed; I will update father accordingly," Rex commanded.

She and Kari both laughed at his imperious order that placed more importance on them being his baby sisters, than mates to his brothers.

Rex opened the door and led them into the foyer.

"Goodnight, Baby Lionhart, your Uncle Rex loves you very much," Rex said. Brie opened one eye to see him leaning down to speak to Kari's belly.

"Are they well?" his mother asked.

"Yes, but tired. Is father still awake?" Rex asked.

"You should know better than to ask that; he's been pacing his office, waiting for your return. I had Leo mak

e that Forbidden Fruit fruitcake you both love so much. Do try to get some sleep tonight," she chided.

"Goodnight," Ari called out and headed for the stairs.

A chorus of goodnights were said, and Ari carried her up toward their room. He set her down in the hall and opened the door. They entered the room illuminated only by the soft amber light of the glow stone on his nightstand. He shut the door behind them. Wordlessly, she quickly stripped from her dress robes and climbed into bed.

Ari turned off the light before joining her. He no sooner slid through the sheets before he was pulling her close.

When hands began to rub her shoulders, she snorted. "You're not getting lucky tonight Lionhart, I don't even know what planet I'm on."

He kissed her shoulder. "You go to sleep. I just wanted to rub some of these marks. Your gear left indentions in your skin; it can't feel good."