Magnus chuckled. "You will have to show me later."

"Like hell she will. When did you get it?" Aiden demanded.

Meryn looked up to the ceiling. "I don't know."

The queen shook her head at Aiden's distress and turned to Kendrick. "What was so important that you called a meeting tonight, of all nights?" Brie had to admit the queen looked absolutely exhausted.

Kendrick went to the queen and pulled her in for a hug. When he kissed her forehead, Brennus was there in an instant. "Keep your lips off my mate."

The queen sighed. "That bad?"

Kendrick simply leaned down and rested his forehead on Brennus' shoulder, much to everyone's shock. "Gods, I'm tired," he admitted.

Anne went to her mate and wrapped an arm around his waist. She pulled him back so she could hold him close. She then shot a look at Thane. Instantly, the Ashleigh brothers were there. They each laid a hand on Kendrick's back, which soon began to glow in different colors.

Kendrick exhaled and stood a little straighter. "Thank you, my friends."

Brie realized that he had not only assisted Aiden in his mission this evening, but he had also been called to help them as well. He was probably at his limits as much as the queen.

Sebastian turned to Cord. "Let us get everyone settled. Does the queen have an antechamber?"

Cord shook his head. "We've been using the outer rooms of her personal chambers. We have plenty of seating there."

Sebastian nodded, then turned to where everyone was standing—looking spooked at both the queen's statement and Kendrick's admission. "It is late, and everyone has had a very long day from what I have heard. Let us adjourn to these outer rooms and get comfortable for the evening. Ryuu, Cord, and I will serve late night cocktails and desserts."

"Magic Pudding?" Meryn asked immediately.

"Of course, darling."

Slowly, everyone began to claim either loveseats or sofas. Oron, Darian, along with their mates, sat close to their mother and Brennus. Brie sat with Ari and the Lionharts to their right. Magnus sat with Meryn and Aiden to the queen's left along with the twins and Pip. Which left Kendrick and Anne with the Ashleighs sitting across from the queen.

Kendrick looked at Thane. "Can you cast a sound proofing spell, the strongest you can?"

Thane didn't argue for once, and he and his brothers cast the spell that had everyone popping their ears.

Kendrick looked over at Meryn. "Meryn, can you repeat what you said about the Committee, so that the queen and Magnus knows what I'm referring to?"

Meryn's face scrunched up. "The douchebag by proxy?"


"The kill first, ask questions later, plan?"

By this time Kendrick was smiling. "No."

Meryn scratched her head. "Was it how we're all being gaslit into accepting their trumped up power plays?"

"Yes." Kendrick turned to the queen and Magnus. "You both are the sovereign leaders of your people; why are you listening to the dictates of the Committee?"

"Because they are the Committee," both Magnus and the queen said at once, in unison.

Kendrick pointed. "That's a conditioned response."

The queen held a shaking hand to her mouth. "When?"

Magnus grit his teeth. "How?"

The squires began walking around with trays holding varying cocktails and treats. Brie looked the tray over until she saw something pink. "Cosmo?"