Allia looked taken aback for a moment, then nodded slowly. "I believe that is the correct term. American slang is so very colorful."

Meryn flashed her the 'live long and prosper' sign. "Word."

It took Allia three attempts, but she finally was able to flash the sign back at Meryn. "Word."

Aiden bopped Meryn's head around. "Quit corrupting the fae court."

Meryn swatted his hand away. "No way. Besides, I heard she was learning how to fight way before I got here, I didn't start that."

"It's true, Commander. I requested fighting lessons at least a decade ago," Allia confirmed. "And learning her colloquialisms will assist us if we were ever to visit the human realm." She turned to Kendrick. "You may want to take that spell down. Molvan was right behind us but got snagged by Portia, he's on his way to update us on how the recall is going."

Kendrick nodded and the spell was lowered.

Izzy tapped her finger on her chin. "Where do I know that name from?"

"Isn't Molvan the name of that douche that tortured Darian?" Meryn asked.

"Prince Darian, please tell me you're not still bandying that old tale about?" A handsome fae asked as he walked through the door.

Darian grinned at him. "My mate was curious about my childhood and it is such a dramatic story."

Molvan rolled his eyes before winking at him. "Had I known you'd make me out to be such a villain, I would have done something more ballad worthy."

Meryn tilted her head. "So...not a douchebag." Izzy watched as her eyes became unfocused. "Shield, no, gate, no..."

"Meryn?" Aiden asked, looking concerned.

Kendrick and Law both stood and immediately went to her side. Each laid a hand on her shoulder.

Kendrick's eyes widened and he turned to Law. "You seeing this?" Law nodded. "It's giving me motion sickness," he said, his other hand going to his midsection.

"What?" Aiden demanded. "What is she doing?"

Kendrick stared down at Meryn. "She's flipping through pictures like spinning through a Rolodex. It's her empathy, but with a boost. Fascinating."

"Wall," she announced.

Law gave one nod, then shook his head. "More than that."

Meryn scrunched up her face. "I don't know another word for it."

"The word you're looking for is battlements. A defensive structure designed to protect whole cities. They usually have openings for shooting through."

Meryn nodded quickly. "Yeah, battlements."

Molvan blinked. "I'm sorry, what?"

Law removed his hand when Kendrick did. They looked at each other and Law indicated for him to answer before he went back to his seat.

Kendrick turned to the newcomer. "Meryn has empathy; she is training to use visualizations for impressions she gets from people. For you, she saw battlements, which I believe means that you are one who defends many people."

"That is an amazing gift," Molvan said, staring at Meryn. "The queen put me in charge of the recall and relocation efforts to bring everyone home." He grinned. "M

y usual position is public works serving the city, so it isn't far-fetched that I may have stepped on a toe or two."

Meryn stretched as Kendrick also went back to his seat. "You're actually nice."

He bowed. "Thank you." He turned to his queen. "Your Majesty, I have conferred with Portia and she believes that should we ask our current visitors for assistance. With their aid we could send out a worldwide message to our people calling them home," his eyes strayed to the Ashleigh brothers.