Meryn smiled. "Wait for it."

It hit Avery first. The small shifter began jogging in place. "This stuff is amazing, I feel like I can fly!"

Nigel and Neil stared. "Whoa," they said in unison.

"Fly? Really? Do you think it will help me?" Pip asked. "I mean it might help me. I should be able to fly, I am a vampire after all. I do not want to use this little stone forever." He looked at the twins. "Not that I do not think it is amazing. It really is. I just want to feel like I belong you know?"

"I think that stuff unlocked a new level in Pip's brain," Neil whispered.

Meryn laughed. "He isn't a video game."

Avery and Pip clasped hands and began swinging each other around the antechamber.

"Pip, be careful you don't fling Avery across the room," Meryn warned.

"Okay," they both said together in a singsong voice.

Neil looked at Nigel. "Anything?"

Nigel shook his head. "Maybe it doesn't work on witches?" He sighed and Meryn heard a faint cracking sound.

"Nigel, I think it's working." Neil's eyes were locked on the stone under their feet.

The twins stared at the floor as flowered vines poured from the small crack.

"Wicked," they whispered in awe.

"Nigel! Neil! What in the gods' names have you done?" Kendrick bellowed.

"Weeeeeeeeee," Avery giggled, as Pip floated him up near the ceiling.

"Look Neil, Pip is flying! He's doing it!" Nigel pointed to Pip and Avery.

"Way to go Pip!" Neil yelled.

"Avery!" Warrick shouted. He stayed under his mate his arms out stretched in case he was dropped.

Meryn sat with her hands clasped

in her lap watching as the boys had fun. Before meeting Aiden she never she understood what 'family' meant. But she was slowly learning. Seeing the boys happy, made her happy.

Nigel and Neil ran from Kendrick and ducked behind Anne who laughed and shielded them from her mate.

"Kendrick, can you fix this?" Magnus asked, as the plants began to bloom.

Sebastian smiled. "I think it is a lovely addition."

Aiden walked over to Adriel. "Any word on how DeLaFontaine was killed?"

Adriel shook his head. "Marcus said he was asleep and didn't see anything. Leif and Travis swear no one entered the detention cells." He turned to Meryn. "Meryn do you think anything was captured by your cameras?"

Beside her Sebastian froze slightly as he serving up a large bowl of Magic Pudding. Meryn put on her most bored expression. "Nope, I checked the footage myself, didn't see a thing." She smiled at Adriel and Aiden who turned back to each other.

Adriel rubbed the back of his neck. "Maybe the demon killed him since he was not needed anymore," he suggested.

Aiden nodded. "I bet that is what happened."

"And just for Meryn an assortment of imported coffee infused chocolates," Sebastian said handing her the huge bowl of pudding. "If you give me just a moment I will get them for you." He leaned down and whispered. "Thank you."