Kari sighed and picked up her iPad. "So, we have a possible virus creating demon leading an army of feral unit warriors, in addition to invisible reapers and mindless garden variety ferals?" She tapped a few times then looked up. Everyone was staring. "What? We might as well be organized about this."

Magnus was the first one to lose his composure. But his belly laughing seemed to trigger then entire room. They were facing impossible odds, but somehow being with family made it seem like everything would be okay.

Ellie sniffed. "What do we do now?"

Micah leaned forward to answer her. "Celebrate." He looked around the table and back to his mate. "Celebrate every moment."

Micah could see the unconditional love she had for him in her eyes. "Because tomorrow isn't promised," she said smiling.

He raised her hand and kissed it. "But anything can happen, our future holds infinite possibilities and I intend to enjoy each one."


Meryn watched the celebration from her recliner in Magnus' antechamber. It was the day after their eventful dinner starring DeLaFontaine. Magnus had gone above and beyond hosting a huge party to celebrate the children getting well. Everyone was focusing on the good things, determined not to let the disturbing news weigh them down.

Micah and Serenity still had the recently mated glow about them, so the news of a possible demon must not be detrimental enough to burst their sex bubble. Meryn smiled. Who was she kidding? She'd been mated less than a year and she was still enjoying her 'honeymoon' phase with Aiden.

She eyed Micah's tee-shirt. Lifting her phone she took a picture and uploaded it to her Pinterest board so Dani could copy it later. The shirt simply read.

1692- Never again- Witches Lives Matter

She watched as Micah's mouth drop. "What do you mean it was Karen?" he asked.

Adriel held up his hands. "Do not shoot the messenger. Dimitri told me to tell you that it was Karen and not to worry, he took care of it. He said after Karen found out that Serenity helped to save those stricken by the virus she confessed to putting the snake in your laundry basket. Dimitri says she feels awful because her uncle was one of the ones being treated at the hospital. He said she promised not to interfere with your mating again."

Serenity eyed her mate. "Who is Karen?"

Micah gulped. "Well, you could say she is past lover."

Serenity's eyes narrowed. "Your previous lover put a poisonous snake in your laundry to get back at me?"

Micah sighed. "The curse of being popular." He frowned. "I wonder why only Karen got upset?

Serenity gave him an evil grin. "Only Karen? No Twister for you later."

His mouth dropped. "But Serenity..."

Meryn's attention was diverted from the Micah's pleading by the twins.

"Meryn!" Nigel called out, as he ran toward her, Neil, Pip and Avery right behind him. "We found some on Level Six!"

Meryn sat up straighter. "No way!"

Neil looked around the room before pulling out a small square object from under his shirt and placed it in her lap. The boys gathered round blocking her from view. Their heads all leaned down.

"What is it?" Pip asked.

Nigel watched Meryn intently as she unwrapped the brown paper to reveal a package of small cans. He looked at Pip. "Meryn was telling us about this drink. She said it was fruity like juice, carbonated like soda, but had all the wonderful effects of espresso." They all looked down at the magical liquid.

"This boys, is Sugar Free Red Bull. Normally I would rock the hell out of some sugar, but strangely enough the Sugar Free version tastes better than the regular one. It has more of a raspberry flavor." Meryn opened the package and handed each of them a small silver can. "You guys enjoy."

Neil frowned. "What about you?"

Meryn shook her head. "My little jellybean likes coffee, I don't want to tweak them out on Red Bull." She rubbed her belly.

Avery nodded. "That's probably a good idea." The four of them looked around and popped their cans. They took their first sips. So far all of them look surprised but pleased. It didn't take them long to finish their drinks.

"I don't feel anything." Nigel observed.